“I was eager to look for something fresh and new.”
Hi, everyone. My name is Berry. I am from Jakarta, Indonesia. I am now working as a government official in one of the national institutions in Indonesia. Being busy at work with all the monotonous routines I was eager to look for something fresh and new. From what I know, being a freelancer forces us to understand the project from various fields, and at the same time you must also maintain good communication with clients from around the world.
My Studio
Maintaining good communication with others interests me a lot since it helps me to enhance my skills, experience, and capabilities. Therefore, I applied for freelance work on the Workshift platform a few months ago. I think becoming a freelancer can get me out of the monotonous work I have in my day job and recharge my life during my free time, yet at the same time I can still be productive!
The most difficult river rafting course in Indonesia.
I am in front with blue helmet.
So, why did I choose Workshift? At first, I only knew about the platform from websites and from freelancers’ experience through their reviews. After I applied, won a job, and finished my first project! I promptly understood why there so many good reviews of this platform. Working on a new project in Workshift gives you a great opportunity to enhance your abilities. Unlike other platforms, in Workshift whether you are a beginner or an expert freelancer, you will get equal opportunities to win a project. I really appreciate how Workshift disseminates the work and provides all necessary support.
Snorkeling at Kepulauan Seribu in Jakarta Province.
My first project was video making. The instructions and communication with the client were very clear and straight. The client was so friendly, and he was open to any input I made in all aspects of the project, which made me feel honored and increased my sense of belonging with the project. Actually, making videos is my daily activity at my day job since I work as a Public Relations officer. Creating such content like video is part of my usual routine at work. However, the scope of the project and the ambience of the project were totally different. Through that project I learned new things and it was a valuable experience for me.
Eating together with a great view in West Java Province.
At the end of the project the evaluation of my work from the client was very good, which makes me confident and makes it easier to win another project. Right after my first project, another project came to me and the client said that they chose me due to the strong evaluation I had received from the first client. So, yes, the scoring system of this platform is clear and fair. The other projects had totally different scopes than the first one, however, I always find pleasure in executing those projects. Another point of excellence that I can highlight from the Workshift platform which is truly different from other platforms is the clear features of the system. It gives clear direction, especially for the newbies.
On the shore of West Java Province
All in all, I am truly pleased with Workshift platform. Developing my freelance career here is a truly valuable opportunity for me. In the future, I will sharpen my abilities that help to enhance my productivity here. I hope I will grow more and more through this platform and I hope Workshift also grow more and more. See, ya!