translateTranslate Tool

This is a machine translation. We don't guarantee the accuracy of the contents.
If you want an accurate translation, please look for bilingual from here.

On Workshift
You can post job like this!

On Workshift
You can post job like this!

I want a translation that locals can understand easily!

I want a translation that locals can understand easily!

Outsource the job to a professional with local knowledge!
Outsource the job to a professional with local knowledge!


▶ No "middle man", thus a cheaper and faster process!
▶ Search for a specialist and outsource a task to them!
▶ Outsource work to a bilingual (Japanese/local language) freelancer!

▶ No "middle man", thus a cheaper and faster process!
▶ Search for a specialist and outsource a task to them!
▶ Outsource work to a bilingual (Japanese/local language) freelancer!

You can outsource editorial checks to local language experts
or to be your assistant at a trade exhibition

You can outsource editorial checks to local language experts
or to be your assistant at a trade exhibition


▶ Local freelancers possess local knowledge to facilitate smooth translation.
▶ Local freelancers possess local knowledge for more accurate translations.
▶ Hiring freelancers directly is faster and less costly.

▶ Local freelancers possess local knowledge to facilitate smooth translation.
▶ Local freelancers possess local knowledge for more accurate translations.
▶ Hiring freelancers directly is faster and less costly.

Overseas information can be acquired faster and at less cost!

Overseas information can be acquired faster and at less cost!

Summary translations of local magazines
and newspapers can be acquired

Summary translations of local magazines
and newspapers can be acquired


▶ Local freelancers possess local knowledge for more accurate information.
▶ No "middle man", thus a cheaper and faster process!
▶ Access to information from all arounnd the world is at your fingertips.

▶ Local freelancers possess local knowledge for more accurate information.
▶ No "middle man", thus a cheaper and faster process!
▶ Access to information from all arounnd the world is at your fingertips.

A summary translation of overseas documents can be made

A summary translation of overseas documents can be made


▶ A summary translation of major points is cheaper and faster than a full translation.
▶ A translated summary of major points from a large document can be acquired.
▶ Translation of specific professional fields is also available.

▶ A summary translation of major points is cheaper and faster than a full translation.
▶ A translated summary of major points from a large document can be acquired.
▶ Translation of specific professional fields is also available.

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Five "Free of Charge" reasons
Why Workshift is easy to use.

Five "Free of Charge" reasons
Why Workshift is easy to use.

Many "free of charge" functions you can use.

Many "free of charge" functions you can use.

Post a job
Post a job

From small firms to large firms and municipalities
More and more repeaters.

From small firms to large firms and municipalities
More and more repeaters.

Let us introduce some of our actual coorporate and government users.

Let us introduce some of our actual coorporate and government users.

Sabae City in Fukui Prefecture

Sabae City in Fukui Prefecture

Actual jobs that were posted on our site.

Actual jobs that were posted on our site.

▶ Lacquerware market research report in Taiwan

Very high satisfaction levels from our clients.

▶ Lacquerware market research report in Taiwan

Very high satisfaction levels from our clients.

Nikkei BP Consulting

Nikkei BP Consulting

Actual jobs that were posted on our site.

Actual jobs that were posted on our site.

▶ Report on the WiFi environment in London.
▶ Report on the WiFi environment in 20 countries.

Other 8 jobs posted in a short time

▶ Report on the WiFi environment in London
▶ Report on the WiFi environment in 20 countries.

Other 8 jobs posted in a short time

Plus Corporation

Plus Corporation

Actual jobs that were posted on our site.

Actual jobs that were posted on our site.

▶ Research job requiring JPN to Thai translation.
▶ Job requiring freelancer to find an agent in Brazil.

Other 14 jobs posted in a short time.

▶ Research job requiring JPN to Thai translation.
▶ Job requiring freelancer to find an agent in Brazil.

Other 14 jobs posted in a short time.

See more client interviews here See more client interviews here

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翻訳とは一つの言語を異なる言語に置き換える作業です。 通訳と異なり文字によって言語を訳し、原文をもらってから辞書を引いたり、表現を吟味したりして、じっくり考えながら訳すことができます。 じっくり考えることができる分、より正確で、相手に伝わりやすい文章に翻訳することが求められます。


翻訳にはもちろん、英語力等の高い語学力が必要です。 しかしそれだけでなく、適切な翻訳を行うためには、現地のビジネスや商習慣、文化などを理解し、ターゲットの生活スタイルを知ることが重要です。 これらのバックグランドを理解した上で訳すことで、現地の人の心に響く翻訳をすることが可能になります。 外国人のネイティヴスピーカーに意味が過不足なく伝えるためには正確に文章を作成する必要があります。 細いかな文法やニュアンスの違いなどは専門の外国語ライターに任せる必要があります。 優れた商品やサービスであってもその良さが伝わりきらない事態は避けたいものです。 ターゲットの文化的背景などを理解することで優れたコミュニケーションを生むことができます。


自社の製品を海外に輸出するにあたって、いくら良い製品でも、その製品の良さを伝えるための説明等が分かりにくいと魅力が半減します。 現地の人により分かりやすい言葉で翻訳をすることで、その製品の魅力を存分に出すことができ、海外輸出に大きく貢献することができます。 また、海外から来た外国人旅行者向けに、外国人に製品を売る際、外国人に分かりやすい製品の説明等があると、より売り上げに貢献することができます。 このように、翻訳は、ただ単に言語を置き換えるだけでなく、インバウンド対策においても大事な役割を果たしています。


ワークシフトには様々な分野における専門知識を持った外国人、日本に興味を持ち、 日本の人と一緒に仕事をしたいという思いが強い外国人が多数登録しているため、正確かつ、日本語のニュアンスを正しく反映した翻訳を作成することができます。 更に通常の翻訳サービスと比べて、ワークシフトでは仕事の依頼主が直接個人に翻訳を頼むことができます。 そのため、お気に入りの翻訳者を見つけ、その翻訳者に今後仕事を頼み続けることで、翻訳の質を保つことができます。

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Meet professionals from around the world

Meet the freelancers of Workshift.

Meet the freelancers of Workshift.

Freelance Name:Sakura
Academic History:Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti Milano
Skill:Interior design、Graphic design、Video editing

Message from Workshift
She graduated from an Italian design school and currently lives in Italy.Can produce videos and design in Japanese, English and Bahasa.Use her to design pamphlets and homepages for overseas markets. Profile Pages

Freelance Name:Sakura
Academic History:Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti Milano
Skill:Interior design、Graphic design、Video editing

Message from Workshift
She graduated from an Italian design school and currently lives in Italy.Can produce videos and design in Japanese, English and Bahasa.Use her to design pamphlets and homepages for overseas markets. Profile Pages

Freelance Name:Oleksandra
Academic History:Journalism Masters
Skill:Internet Ad、Public Relations

Message from Workshift
From Ukraine、currently living in Thailand、and proficient in 4 languages.Holder of a Master degree in Journalism so use her for overseas PR related work.      Profile pages

Freelance Name:Oleksandra
Academic History:Journalism Masters
Skill:Internet Ad、Public Relations

Message from Workshift
From Ukraine、currently living in Thailand、and proficient in 4 languages.Holder of a Master degree in Journalism so use her for overseas PR related work.      Profile pages

Freelance name:Jesseda
Academic history:University Graduates
Skill:Web designer/Programmer

Message from Workshift
Web designer and programmer from Thailand.Project manager with a wealth of experience in design and programming.Use this freelancer for web site development and design in overseas markets.
Profile Pages

Freelance name:Jesseda
Academic history:University Graduates
Skill:Web designer/Programmer

Message from Workshift
Web designer and programmer from Thailand.Project manager with a wealth of experience in design and programming.Use this freelancer for web site development and design in overseas markets.
Profile Pages

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