クラウドソーシング ワークシフト > フリーランスを探す > FelixMilkereit > 学歴・職歴

評価 :
- 受注実績 : 0件
- 日本
- お気に入り : 0件
- スキル
- 日本語 ⇔ 英語
- 日本語 ⇔ ドイツ語
- 小説・詩・エッセー・脚本
- 文書・記事・テキスト・コラム執筆
- ブログ執筆
- Tシャツデザイン
- 最終ログイン : 2016-03-17
- 登録日 : 2016-02-27
Taz die Tageszeitung (Daily Newspaper), Berlin (Germany)
Correspondent, Research Co-Worker (Hong Kong)
2014/11~ 2014/12
Research and Interviews in Hong Kong
Topic: HK Umbrella Movement & Protest/Occupy Scene
Asahi Shimbun (Daily Newspaper), Tōkyō (Japan)
Correspondent/Stringer, Translator/Interpreter (Germany)
2012/12~ 2013/01
Translation, Interpreting, Research
Preparing/Organizing, Coordinating and Sourcing/Networking (for Work Trip of 1 Journalist)
Maintaining 24-hour availability and standby assistance
Topic: German Subcultures and Japanese Subcultures in Germany (Hacker, Techno, Cosplay)
Taz die Tageszeitung (Daily Newspaper), Berlin (Germany)
Correspondent/Stringer, Translator/Interpreter (Japan)
2012/02~ 2012/03
Translation, Interpreting, Research, Consulting
Preparing/Organizing, Coordinating and Sourcing/Networking (for Work Trip of 2 Journalists)
Maintaining 24-hour availability and standby assistance
Topic: 1 Year after the Great East Japan Earthquake
Taz die Tageszeitung (Daily Newspaper), Berlin (Germany)
Freelance-Journalist, Co-Writer (Japan/Germany)
2011/03~ 2012/06
Translation, Research
Writing and Co-Writing (Print & Online)
Various Topics about Japanese Society and Culture
Taz die Tageszeitung (Daily Newspaper), Berlin (Germany)
Japan Expert, Translator/Interpreter (Germany)
2011/03~ 2011/04
Translation, Interpreting, Research, Consulting, Sourcing/Networking
Maintaining 24-hour availability and standby assistance
Topic: Great East Japan Earthquake
BEX Sightseeing Berlin (Sightseeing Tour Company), Berlin (Germany)
Tourist Guide (for Japanese High School Groups) (Berlin)
Translation, Interpreting
Coordinating, Guiding
Kasai Kōgyō Co., Ltd. (Auto Components Industry) – International Suppliers Fair (IZB), Wolfsburg (Germany)
Translator/Interpreter (Germany)
2010/10~ 2010/10
Translation, Interpreting
Client service, costumer support
Aeria Games GmbH
Freelance Localizer/Translator
Translating and Localizing Game Content and Technical Content
Japan Industry News | A division of Bonuterra Inc.
Translator (Japanese-English
2016/02~ 2016/03
Translating Japanese Industry News Articles into English (Japan Rubber Weekly)