クラウドソーシング ワークシフト > フリーランスを探す > Cecilia > 学歴・職歴
- 評価 :
- 受注実績 : 2件
- 香港
- お気に入り : 0件
- スキル
- 日本語 ⇔ 中国語
- 小説・詩・エッセー・脚本
- 文書・記事・テキスト・コラム執筆
- データ入力
- ネイティブチェック/プルーフリーディング
- Webによる市場調査
- 現地語によるFB代理運用
- 通訳・同行
- 最終ログイン : 2024-10-24
- 登録日 : 2014-05-13
Hitachi Capital (Hong Kong) Limited
Personal Assistant
2018/05~ 2018/11
Interpreting and translating from Japanese to Cantonese/Chinese/English and from Cantonese /
Chinese / English to Japanese.
Providing secretarial support and personal assistance to Director.
Carrying out duties and ad-hoc jobs according to Department Head’s and Director’s instruction
and requirements.
Carrying out office secretarial tasks, such as data entry and preparing meeting minutes.
Shop Manager and Personal Assistant
2016/06~ 2017/06
Interpreting and translating from Japanese to Cantonese/Chinese/English and from Cantonese /
Chinese / English to Japanese.
Help holding event.
Managing Japanese retail shop, including administration, human resources and management,
analyzing sales data, stock management, purchasing, marketing, public relations, advisement etc.
Solving problems
Organizaing event / fair
Dealing with customers’ enquiries.
Part-time Assistant
2012/11~ 2016/05
Interpreting and translating from Japanese to Cantonese/Chinese/English and from Cantonese /
Chinese / English to Japanese.
Help holding event.
Managing Japanese retail shop.
Solving problem.
Organizaing event / fair
Dealing with customers’ enquiries.
Compass Communications International Limited
2014/11~ 2016/01
Working as a coordinate in the PR company
Interpreting and translating from Japanese to Cantonese / Chinese / English and from Cantonese /
Chinese / English to Japanese.
Organizaing event.
Solving problem.
Promoting Japanese prefectures or Japanese companies in Hong Kong.
Human resourcing.
Hong Kong Japanese Club
Part-time Receptionist
2010/08~ 2011/07
Handling telephone enquiries, mostly in Japanese, including assisting customers in booking for the rooms and restaurant, and answering customers’ enquiries.
Dealing with customers’ enquiries, mostly in Japanese.
The University of Hong Kong
2007/09~ 2011/08
Bachelor of Art graduated in 2011 (First-class Honour), double majoring in Japanese Studies and Music
The Kansai Gaidai University
2009/09~ 2010/08
Exchange progrom of the University of Hong Kong