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Templete Customize(Wordpress、Movabletype etc.)
Javascript Development
Web System Development
Software Development
Enterprise System Development
Other Development and Programing
Japanese ⇔ Italian
Proofreading/Native Check
  • Last Login : 2024-02-25
  • Member Since : 2024-02-25
  • The New Mercari Master API
    IT, Apps, & Programing Development and Programming Web System Development Software Development Enterprise System Development Other Development and Programing
    A few months ago, Mercari realized that an older design was seriously harming our ability to deliver new features quickly and cost-effectively. This realization spurred a rethink of the highest-volume API exposed by our backends. To do so, we clarified exactly what the responsibilities and scope of the new API should be, with an eye on allowing the most efficient implementation possible that still satisfied our business requirements. The result is a much simpler API that is faster, lower-maintenance, and millions of dollars cheaper to run, and a testament to the need, when appropriate, to go back to the drawing board and question long-held assumptions, including about technical and business requirements.

    The solution identified, while not too dissimilar at its heart from a standard static asset server, makes full (and somewhat unusual) use of standard HTTP mechanisms – such as content negotiation – paired with an asynchronous content ingestion pipeline to deliver master datasets as efficiently as possible to all clients, internal or external, that need them. The solution is highly reliable, scalable, extensible, and reusable both for additional datasets, as well as a generic blueprint for other classes of content.