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  • schedule Status:
    Available to work
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  • Job History(F) : 0 Results
  • Identified
  • Taiwan
  • Favorites : 0 Results
Home Page Development
Templete Customize(Wordpress、Movabletype etc.)
Javascript Development
Web Design
Web System Development
Software Development
Database Development and Administration
Test and Debugging
Technical Writing
SMM - Social Media Marketing
Market Research and Surveys
Personal Assistant
Email Response Handling
Customer Service & Support
Web Page Development
English ⇔ Chinese
Proofreading/Native Check
  • Last Login : 2019-06-19
  • Member Since : 2018-10-02
  • Guesthouse Management Company (Guest) Home Page - Website Developer
    IT, Apps, & Programing Web and Mobile Production Home Page Development HTML/CSS Templete Customize(Wordpress、Movabletype etc.) Web Design
    Duration to complete job80days
    Desired remuneration price200,000 yen to 300,000 yen
    My task was to create a new homepage for a guesthouse management company that could be used on the back-end by people, who don't understand programming and coding. With limited budget, resources and time, I used for this project and edited templates from there.
    I was alone on this project. My responsibilities include but not limit to the following:
    - Requirements Assessment
    - Budget Planning
    - Data/Information Collection - Photography, guesthouse info, etc.
    - Design (According to requirement)
    - Purchases
    - Customization coding - CSS/HTML
    - Localization/Translation
    - Online/Social Media Marketing (Team)
    - SEO setting
    - Writing back-end user manual for internal use
  • Official VIP Guide Book for 2017 Taipei Summer Universiade
    Translation, Writing, and Naming Translation and Language Skills English ⇔ Chinese Proofreading/Native Check
    Duration to complete job170days
    Desired remuneration priceOver 500,000 yen
    On a team of two to collect information, research, coordinate, translate, write, and publish the official guide book for about 500 international VIP guests for 2017 Taipei Summer Universiade.
    The guide book included:
    - Venue
    - Contact
    - Tourism
    - Events
    - Meetings
    - City History
    - Games Information
  • Guesthouse Management Company (Business) Home Page - Website Developer
    IT, Apps, & Programing Web and Mobile Production Home Page Development HTML/CSS Templete Customize(Wordpress、Movabletype etc.) Web Design
    Duration to complete job30days
    Desired remuneration price100,000 yen to 200,000 yen
    In addition to the homepage for guests of the guesthouse management company, I was tasked to create a business home page. My objective was to create a new homepage for a guesthouse management company that could be used on the back-end by people, who don't understand programming and coding.
    With limited budget, resources and time, I used for this project and edited templates from there.
    I was alone on this project. My responsibilities include but not limit to the following:
    - Requirements Assessment
    - Budget Planning
    - Data/Information Collection - Photography, legality, etc.
    - Design (According to requirement)
    - Purchases
    - Customization coding - CSS/HTML/PHP
    - Online/Social Media Marketing (Team)
    - Writing back-end user manual for internal use
  • Gene Expression Omnibus Analysis with Shiny (GEO-AWS)
    IT, Apps, & Programing Development and Programming Web System Development Software Development Database Development and Administration
    Duration to complete job350days
    [Team Project; R & Java]
    Gene expression is the process within a cell by which a sequence of DNA is transcribed into RNA and the RNA is then translated into a protein. The collection of proteins within a cell determines its physical structure and characteristics, including whether or not the cell is healthy or becomes cancerous. The Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) publicly archives and freely distributes forms of functional genomic data submitted by the scientific community​. However, GEO has limited tools that study and analyze data for researchers. Shiny is a web application framework for R. Using Shiny, we are developing a tool that provides a simple graphical user interface for pulling information from GEO so that a user can conduct an in-depth analysis on the gene expression profiles of interest. Specifically, a user can study genetic expressions and clinical data together with graphical summary and analysis. With this tool, researchers are able to efficiently identify specific gene that may respond to certain diseases.
  • Restaurant Home Page - Website Developer
    IT, Apps, & Programing Web and Mobile Production Home Page Development HTML/CSS Templete Customize(Wordpress、Movabletype etc.) Web Design
    Duration to complete job30days
    Desired remuneration price100,000 yen to 200,000 yen
    My task was to create a similar website to replace the old one of the same restaurant.
    With limited budget, resources and time, I used for this project and edited templates from there.
    I was alone on this project. My responsibilities include but not limit to the following:
    - Requirements Assessment
    - Budget Planning
    - Design (According to requirement)
    - Purchases
    - Customization coding - CSS/HTML/PHP
    - Writing back-end user manual for internal use