Crowdsourcing Workshift > Search Freelance > cedarforest > Evaluation
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Available to work
- Appraisal :
- Job History(F) : 25 Results
- Identified
- Favorites : Results
- Skills
- Web System Development
- Site Administration and Management
- Site Update
- Site Maintenance
- Test and Debugging
- Japanese ⇔ English
- Website Content
- Slogan
- Logo Design
- Graphic Design
- Flash Production
- YouTube Development
- Advertising and Public Relations
- Market Research and Surveys
- Accounting and Bookkeeping
- Personal Assistant
- Others
- Last Login : 2024-08-26
- Member Since : 2016-07-22
Job History, Evaluation
Overall Evaluation | 4.85 |
Jobs | 25 results |
Evaluation from clients Evaluation from freelancers
Job Title: 「cedarforest」さん向けの仕事です / This job is only for 'cedarforest'
Project Price 50,000 yen to 100,000 yen
Evaluation Date : 2024-08-09
Average | Quality or Clarity | Level of Expertise | Time Management | Work Manners | Cost Performance |
5.00 |
Job Title: 2024年3月ロンドン滞在時、建設関係者とのインタビュー手配費用
Project Price 10,000 yen to 50,000 yen
Evaluation Date : 2024-03-26
Average | Quality or Clarity | Level of Expertise | Time Management | Work Manners | Cost Performance |
5.00 |
Job Title: 2024/03/18-19 ロンドン滞在時のDIYを中心とした小売市場訪問等のアテンド・現場訪問等のご手配
Project Price 200,000 yen to 300,000 yen
Evaluation Date : 2024-03-23
Average | Quality or Clarity | Level of Expertise | Time Management | Work Manners | Cost Performance |
5.00 |
Job Title: Research / Where do electrical and plumbing workers and carpenters purchase their tools?
Project Price 50,000 yen to 100,000 yen
Evaluation Date : 2023-02-21
Average | Quality or Clarity | Level of Expertise | Time Management | Work Manners | Cost Performance |
5.00 |
Job Title: 【イギリス】計量基準に関するデスクリサーチ / <<UK>> Desk Research on National Measurement Standards
Project Price 200,000 yen to 300,000 yen
Evaluation Date : 2023-02-15
Average | Quality or Clarity | Level of Expertise | Time Management | Work Manners | Cost Performance |
4.80 |
Job Title: 【イギリス】ロンドン近郊のスポーツ施設に関する調査
Project Price 200,000 yen to 300,000 yen
Evaluation Date : 2022-04-01
Average | Quality or Clarity | Level of Expertise | Time Management | Work Manners | Cost Performance |
5.00 |
Job Title: 【イギリス、アイルランド、スイス】This job is only for 'cedarforest' 欧州における大型蓄電システムの安全規格に関する調査
Project Price 200,000 yen to 300,000 yen
Evaluation Date : 2021-12-02
Average | Quality or Clarity | Level of Expertise | Time Management | Work Manners | Cost Performance |
4.20 |
Job Title: This job is only for 'cedarforest'
Project Price 300,000 yen to 500,000 yen
Evaluation Date : 2021-11-01
Average | Quality or Clarity | Level of Expertise | Time Management | Work Manners | Cost Performance |
5.00 |
Job Title: 【イギリス】ロンドン近郊のスーパーマーケットを中心としたドリンク商品(アルコールを除く)及びリーフ商品(ティーバッグなど)の写真撮影作業。 【UK】Taking photos of Beverages (excluding alcohol) and Tea leaves(Tea Bag) mainly in supermarkets near London.
Project Price 50,000 yen to 100,000 yen
Evaluation Date : 2021-10-11
Average | Quality or Clarity | Level of Expertise | Time Management | Work Manners | Cost Performance |
5.00 |
Job Title: 【イギリス】キャンディ市場と消費者像の調査 / 【UK】Market Research on Candy and Consumer
Project Price 200,000 yen to 300,000 yen
Evaluation Date : 2019-12-23
Average | Quality or Clarity | Level of Expertise | Time Management | Work Manners | Cost Performance |
5.00 |