


  • schedule ステータス:
  • 評価 :
  • 受注実績 : 6件
  • 本人確認済み
  • フランス
  • お気に入り : 3件
日本語 ⇔ フランス語
  • 最終ログイン : 2022-01-18
  • 登録日 : 2016-10-11



ERAI JAPAN「東京」、コンサルタント企業               インターンシップ


2014/05~ 2015/08

As I have been long interested in business development in Japan (the establishment process, promising sectors or how to find distributors), I had the opportunity to achieve an internship in the Japanese branch of the consulting company Rhône-Alpes International.

ERAI Japan exists to provide assistance to SMEs of the Rhône-Alpes region and clusters to develop their international business in Japan : export, feasibility studies, research for clients and partners, set-up of local subsidiaries, coaching of trade force, organisation of matchmaking events and collective trade missions. The second objectif is promote the Rhône-Alpes region in Japan, mainly in economic fields (SMEs, clusters, sectors of excellence…).

My mission was mainly to help the project manager into his activity, particularly to looking for Japanese distributors or French customers. I also was providing support to phone calls in Japanese and I was responsible for some administrative tasks. Finally, my mission was to realize a benchmark about the business centers located in Tokyo.

Through this internship, I was able to learn as much about the council and on the professional level. Moreover, I greatly thank all the "ERAI Japan" team for encouraging me, and for the transmission of some of their knowledge they shared with me.

株式会社アンシャントマン – 国際部門 (インターンシップ)


2015/05~ 2015/07

During three months, I helped a team of traditional food products suppliers from Osaka (Japanese Food Power Brand) to find distributors in Paris.
My work was to realize market surveys regarding the agro-food industry, and get meeting with distributors for the coming of the team in Paris. After that, I joined them during these meeting and worked as an interpretor.

Futhermore, we participated to the Japan Expo (event dedicated to Japanese culture) that took place from 2 to 5 July in Expositions Park of Paris-Nord Villepinte in order to propose tasting of these products. I presented these new foods to French visitors and record their impressions.

I also did a lot of translations for the company.

I thanks Mr Matsuyama, Director of Enchantement K.K for his trust during my work.

ラコステ・ジャパン「東京」– EC/CRM ;リテール部門  (インターンシップ)


2015/08~ 2016/01

During my internship in Lacoste Japan, I had a 2-month field experience in store (Harajuku and Hibiya) before working as a business analyst assistant in the retail department of the headquarters.

My work mainly consisted in making reports regarding retail KPI (sales over traffic, units per transaction, net unit price, average basket value, conversion rate, sales per working hours) and analyzing traffic in boutiques.

I also worked on a new system in collaboration with a French company to analyze traffic data through an innovative system using mobile device trackers. I was able to control and assess good and reliable retail KPI for the company to understand better the consumer behavior.

トミーヒルフィガー ジャパン (本社)


2016/04~ 2017/01

- Updating + analysing daily sales report.
- KPI analysis.
- Replenishment request.
- Registering and launching new items on 3rd party sites (Zozotown, VOI, Magaseek, Rakuten and Locondo).
- Promotion price change.
- Customer support.

Research : Support to improve the official site for a new version.

アンスティチュ・フランセ東京 (official body of the French Embassy)


2017/08~ 2019/07

Translator (Japanese => French / English => French)
Translation of articles in relation with events, workshops, meeting and conferences organized at the French Institute of Tokyo.
Ratio : 3000~3500 kanji/day (around 2000 words)

Digital Communication :
Creation of digital pages to promote events.



INALCO (フランス国立東洋言語文化大学) - Licence 1 – 日本学部「パリ」

2010/09~ 2011/06


専攻: 翻訳

INALCO (フランス国立東洋言語文化大学) - Licence 2 - 日本学部「パリ」

2011/09~ 2012/06


専攻: 翻訳

INALCO (フランス国立東洋言語文化大学) - Licence 3 - 日本学部「パリ」    学士号卒業

2012/09~ 2013/06


専攻: 翻訳 「日仏」

ル・ハーブル大学(フランス) – マスター1年生 – 国際マネジメントアジア貿易

2014/06~ 2015/09

授業 : ビジネス英語/日本語、アジア経済と政治、日本文化、国際マネジメント、法律、

ル・ハーブル大学(フランス) – マスター2年生 – 国際マネジメント      マスター卒業

2015/09~ 2016/06

授業 : ビジネス英語/日本語、アジア経済と政治、日本文化、国際マネジメント、法律、

修士論文  : 日本ビデオゲーム産業「日本ゲーム西洋化」
       テーム : 歴史; 日本ゲーム特徴 (デザイン, RPG文化)、 経済、 モバイルゲーム成長、