クラウドソーシング ワークシフト > フリーランスを探す > williamdoublet > 学歴・職歴
- 評価 :
- 受注実績 : 0件
- フランス
- お気に入り : 0件
- スキル
- テスト・デバック
- その他翻訳・語学
- 最終ログイン : 2017-04-28
- 登録日 : 2015-11-09
5 sur 5 (FRANCE)
Translation Project Manager
2015/08~ 2015/10
In charge of all the process of translation projects.
- Receive client orders
- Count number of words in texts using Studio Trados
- Look for translators
- Create estimates and purchase order
- Lauch translation projects
- Quality Assurance of translations in all languages before sending to client
- Asnwer questions and requests from translators and clients
Linguistic Engineer
2013/11~ 2014/12
Developing a new voice recognition system for the Sony Smart Band watch.
- Run testing for voice recognition system on Sony Smartphone
- Label utterances
- Checking user and system utterances, input new utterances
- Report bugs and follow up
- Skype conference with French team based in Tokyo office
- Welcome clients from Tokyo and attend meetings
2015/01~ 2015/04
Transcribe all conversations and requests from mobile phone users.
- Correct french spelling and grammar.
- Tag every parasite sounds.
2013/07~ 2013/10
Labeling for Bing search engine website.
- Target keywords in articles and label them in order to enable Bing search engine to give the appropriate answer to a web search.
Localization QA Engineer
2013/03~ 2013/06
Run testing from English to French on Nokia Smartphone.
- Run functional and linguistic testing for user interface on Smartphone
- Create test-cases
- Report bugs and do regression
- Transcribe French voice recording
- Proofread French documents
Localization QA Engineer
2011/09~ 2012/01
Member of Bing Team, in charge of checking functional and linguistic issues for all French speaking countries (
- Run Localization, Localizability, Marketization and Globalization testing for Bing website on computer (IE, FF) and iPad.
- Take screenshots, report bugs in database
- Regression - Send daily reports
- Attend meetings with client
Localization QA Engineer
2011/08~ 2011/08
Onsite testing for the new Huawei tablet device.
- Review user interface for technical and linguistic issues (French/English)
- Report bugs and do regression
Freelance Localization QA Engineer
2010/04~ 2013/12
Run testing from English to French on software, websites and documents.
- Run functional and linguistic testing for user interface on computer and smartphone
- Spelling check for PPT doc
- Report bugs and do regression
Localization QA Engineer
2009/01~ 2011/05
Member of PayPal Team, in charge of checking functional and linguistic issues for 4 countries: France-Belgium-Switzerland-Luxembourg (
- Run Localization, Localizability, Marketization and Globalization testing for PayPal website on computer (IE, FF, Safari), iPhone, Blackberry and Android
- Take screenshots, report bugs in database
- Bug regression
- Use of Internet, Word, Paint, Excel, Clear Quest, Genesis, Putty, VPN
- Send daily reports
- Attend meetings with client
French Team Leader
2008/06~ 2008/09
Manage the French call center and hotliners for the service YouZhu.
- Create and organize files and French dialogues for hotliners, take care of customer relations
- Find French speakers to work in the company, mail, help the hotliners and check their work
- Handle French and English calls, translate the website YouZhu (English to French)
- Welcome French clients from France Telecom
Hotline Technician
2006/10~ 2007/10
Handle customers’ phone calls (French/English speakers), after-sales service.
- Answer calls and give advices to customers concerning their technical and commercial problems about their internet TV channels
- Follow the orders.
- Training in customer relation.
- Use of professional telecom software: SPAS, Orchestra, Brazil, Grass Valley, Parsifal, Artemis
Orange Business Services
Quality Assurance Engineer
2016/03~ 2017/05
Working on Orange Login page and Orange Cloud.
- Run functional testing on PC and Smartphones (Android & iOS)
- Report bugs and regression on HP Quality Center
- Design test cases for new features according to specifications
- Give advices and opinions on how to improve the website and user experience
- Attend weekly meetings