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  • Japan
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Japanese ⇔ English
Article and Text Writing
Proofreading/Native Check
  • Last Login : 2023-08-14
  • Member Since : 2022-11-02




Content Creator


Writing blogs and white papers at a startup marketing company. Writing for Japanese travel agency JTB. Also assisting in translation.


Japanese to English Translator and Proofreader


Japanese to English Translator and ProofreaderJapanese to English Translator and Proofreader
Feb 2012 - Present · 11 yrs 7 mosFeb 2012 - Present · 11 yrs 7 mos
Japan · HybridJapan · Hybrid
Translation, proofreading and localization from Japanese to English for companies/clients based in Japan (major translation projects separate)

Translation and proofreading of materials including resumes, presentations, documents, reports, websites, listings, applications, blogs, published books, advertising, engineering, video games, cameras and photography, medicine, nursing, building design, technology, art & design, fashion, crafts, food and drink, contracts, videos, events, exhibitions, Japanese history, religion and culture etc.

Examples of companies:
303 Books
Atelier Kumiko
Bluestone Sneakers
Hare-no-hi 晴レの日
Hachioji City Office Events
Spaceshower TV


Freelance English Instructor


Teaching English to children and adults in the Kanagawa, Tokyo and Chiba regions of Japan. Initially started on English teaching websites and through word of mouth. Taught at an English conversation cafe in Tsujido from Jan 2010 to Dec 2012 leading conversation classes, children classes, and lessons from textbooks or articles for adults and children. Involved in setting up and providing basic English lessons at a kindergarten in Chigasaki for a few months in early 2011 before its sudden closure. Assisted in the early business setup, promotion, and teaching of a small private home school in Fujisawa for children and adults. Taught weekly lessons to staff at two restaurants in Kamata in Tokyo English for restaurant work. Led monthly group English lessons at Yumeshin, a large company based in Marunouchi, Tokyo. Led weekend lessons every week for an English club in Chiba teaching basic and higher level English. Taught English for hairdressers planning to go abroad at the offices of a major hair salon company. Currently teaching English to some students online and locally during Covid-19.

Along with private students worked for the following schools/organizations:
SEC (Shonandai English Circle)
Sakura Cat English Cafe
Wan on Wan English School
LETS Academy
Ashfort English School
Will Japan


English Team Translator/Team Leader 日英翻訳・チームリーダー

2019/02~ 2022/06

Japanese to English Translator/Team Leader for an inbound travel startup. Managed the team, distributed, handled, and checked work, etc. Translated, checked, and edited articles, website/app, presentations, and marketing related to Japanese tourism including transport, shopping, winter activities, activities, accommodation, etc. Involved in hiring and training new team members, liaised with other departments, and other responsibilities.

From April 2020, due to Covid, the focus was shifted to include translation/proofreading for other clients. Team was reduced to two until the end of the year before furloughed members rejoined.

Clients include ENEOS, Rakuten, 株式会社ジェイアール東日本企画, ダスキン, JICA, 株式会社mista, DELL, ValueFrontier, RhythmJapan, モバイルファクトリー, Airウェイト, 富士フィルム, Honda, Indus Technologies, 株式会社陽と人, 地域ブランディング研究所, 伊佐須美神社, じゃらんリサーチセンター, 仙台国際空港, Gotcha Gotcha Games, LIME RESORT HAKONE, 株式会社サヴィーコレクティブ, 株式会社ウミイチ様, JTBビジネスネットワーク, JBN, 食堂上高地, タスカジ, 株式会社NearMe, unbot, VTS, 九州大学, 株式会社結, ソナス, トラベルジップ, トラベルボイス, ファンプレックス, ケップル株式会社, ワンパブリッシング, Zen Place, 野口観光, 株式会社デボルターレ, gumi, ライフスタイルテクノロジー, トーマツ(LUK株式会社), 北海道ビジネスネットワーク, 株式会社グラファー,竹中工務店. 全日本スキー連盟, etc.
Regional organizations: Okinawa OCVB, Tohoku, Jozankei, Shima, 雪国観光圏, Kaneyama, ライトエージェンシー(只見町), 北海道新聞HotMedia, 福島市観光コンベンション協会, 上田市, 日本旅行東北, 奥飛騨湯ったりウォーク, etc. Tohoku DMO: 蔵王ロープウェイ(株), HOTEL SLOW VILLAGE, 岩泉町経済観光交流課, (株)仙台ニッカサービス, 高岡の森弘前藩歴史館, 株式会社MKpasoワイナリーこのはな, 滝観洞観光センター, 三陸鉄道株式会社, 有限会社朝日町ワイン, 青森県つがる市教育委員会, 春日食堂, 千代寿虎屋株式会社, 合同会社ねっか, 寒河江市慈恩寺振興課. 大船渡市観光物産協会, 大船渡市商工港湾部観光推進室, いわぬまひつじ村, 道の駅ひろさき サンフェスタいしかわ, 伊佐須美神社, 羽黒町観光協会・いでは文化記念館, 大石田町観光協会, 柳津町役場, 道の駅米沢, 尾花沢市商工観光課, 一般社団法人上山市観光物産協会, 山形おきたま観光協議会, 盛岡駅ビルフェザン, 出羽桜酒造株式会社, 岩手県北自動車株式会社, (一財)VISITはちのへ, 酒造資料館東光の酒蔵, 中泊町博物館, 仙台ツーリストインフォメーションデスク

Gained and retained clients to bring in enough income during a downturn in the tourism industry. Obtained a multi-year contract with ENEOS.
Unlike other full-time positions, translators were hired on a yearly contract instead of permanent employee status.

Fujita Corporation Japan


2017/08~ 2018/03

Assisted in a temp role in the translation of building planning materials on AutoCad for major hotel chain. Translated documents in Japanese to English and English to Japanese related to engineering, architecture, electronics, communication, safety etc.


Freelance Translator

2017/05~ 2018/01

Japanese to English Translation of promotional material and game information and in-game content for popular Japanese video games publisher. Worked on games related to RPGs and action games for console and PC platforms.
Translated promotion website for the video game Elimage Original
Translated promotional video for the video game Omega Labyrinth Z
Translated marketing materials and videos for the video game Earth Defense Force 5 for online and the Tokyo Game Show.
Translated game contents of the Nintendo Switch download title Tennis.
Assisted in the translation of the video game Bullet Girls.

Ramble On

Freelance Translator

2017/05~ 2017/12

Startup app project Befy. Japanese to English translation of content for an app focused on facial skin care and beauty, from mid-stage development to launch. Assisted in preparation for the startup competition Orange Fab Asia where the app was nominated. Involement ended after the app was removed by the creator a month after launch for unknown reasons.


Freelance Translator

2015/06~ 2017/02

Japanese to English translation of in-house magazine 'SEIN' for foreign markets and photographic events. Translated 12 issues - around 15 to 20 pages of text per issue- of articles, profiles, interviews and company products. Subjects included photography, lenses, technology, culture, arts, manufacturing, business etc..


Senior Teacher

2012/02~ 2014/09

Taught the Callan Method, a direct method of teaching, to around 200 predominantly adult students of all levels and backgrounds alongside 3 full-time teachers at a small English school located in Yokohama, Japan. The school was an offshoot of NAI, a translation dispatch company.
Alongside the Callan Method, taught business English lessons, IELTS, EIKEN, TOEIC, conversation, grammar and speech and presentation writing, resumes etc
Personally requested by students to proofread and at times translate students' documents and other language-based requests.
Organized instructor's daily schedules, and administration work, wrote educational articles to be used by students, set up other lessons, etc.
Interviewed and recruited prospective students through demo lessons. Average 80% to 90% initiation rate, achieving above base target results.
Recruited, interviewed, and trained new teaching staff to be proficient in the Callan Method as well as other duties.
Wrote and edited school-made business texts from early rough drafts created by the owner to improved teaching materials used for intensive business courses.
Assisted in the setting up, and training of an online language school based in The Philippines. Trained instructors based in the Philippines with the school's method.
The school closed down two months after stepping down due to the remaining teachers leaving after management issues.
Although a full-time teacher, the school hired teachers on a yearly contract basis.

Yokohama Country & Athletic Club (YC&AC)


2007/02~ 2008/06

Prepared, cooked, and served food to members and guests of a well-known country club's cafe/restaurant in Yokohama. Members were mainly the ex-pat community of Yokohama and wealthy members. Worked as part of a small team of two or three cooks to serve meals in a timely manner. Service was very busy on weekends and at certain times during the weekdays. Also helped wash dishes in the kitchen. Also prepared and cooked meals for large events, parties, and photo shoots involving well-known Japanese names. Had sole responsibility in the kitchen every early morning for 1 or 2 hours for preparation, service, and staff lunch. The kitchen was not closed during any part of the day so any prep work was done while service was underway. Worked under strict time and pressure.
Also assisted in basic prep for the main restaurant kitchen at times and helped with the dishwasher during busy service periods.
Hired as a part-time but worked full-time hours.

The Tavern Pub

Bartender and Cook

2006/10~ 2006/12

Bartender and cook for a very popular and busy British-themed bar. Worked mainly in the evenings and nights. Making and serving drinks. Keeping the bar tidy. Conversing with Japanese and non-Japanese clientele to ensure they have a good time. Worked in the kitchen where, on occasion, was the sole cook preparing and cooking food in the kitchen.