クラウドソーシング ワークシフト > フリーランスを探す > NSonbreak > 学歴・職歴
- 評価 :
- 受注実績 : 0件
- スウェーデン
- お気に入り : 1件
- スキル
- ホームページ制作
- テンプレートカスタマイズ(Wordpress、Movabletypeなど)
- ウェブデザイン制作
- その他翻訳・語学
- ロゴデザイン
- イラスト作成
- キャラクター作成
- その他ロゴ・キャラクター・イラスト・アイコン・バナー
- SEO対策 (Search Engine Optimization)
- SMM対策 (Social Media Marketing)
- Emailマーケティング
- ビジネスプラン・マーケティング戦略
- 調査・分析
- その他
- 原作
- ネイティブチェック/プルーフリーディング
- 通訳・同行
- 最終ログイン : 2018-05-24
- 登録日 : 2018-05-24
Scandinavian Healthcare Alliance / Stockholm, Sweden
Corporate Communication Manager
• Holds full responsibility for all marketing and communication matters
• Has full responsibility for the company visual identity, profiling, communication materials, website,
presentations and B2B documentation in three languages (english, french, arabic)
• Provides marketing consultancy for specific campaigns and liaises with internal stakeholders
• Maintains and updates company website and internal marketing pages
• Proactively drives, prepares and writes all communication, for example company announcements
• Creates product concepts and packages for expanding and promoting front and end business and
support the Sales department
Swecomed Pharma / Linköping, Sweden
Communication Manager
2011/11~ 2015/12
• Held full responsibility for all marketing and communication matters
• Had full responsibility for the company visual identity, profiling, communication materials, website,
presentations and B2B documentation in three languages (english, french, arabic)
• Wrote and edited all pre-contractual and contractual documents and agreements
• Researched and structured products listing, referencing and pricing
Swetrade AB / Södertälje, Sweden
Communication Advisor
2010/01~ 2011/10
• Held full responsibility for all marketing and communication content and presentations for various products sold by the company
• Had full responsibility for the company presentations and B2B documentation in two languages (english, french) aimed at expanded markets
• Researched and structured products listing, referencing and pricing
• Designed a new product and all related advertising material
Boomerang Communication / Casablanca, Morocco
Copywriter / Advertising Creative
2006/06~ 2009/10
• Assisted my creative team with Advertising / PR / Marketing, Media / Publishing / Printing operation
• Was in charge of Editing, Journalism, Copy Writing, Technical Writing on large scale campaigns
• Was trained as a Designer and Illustrator
• Print Related (DTP)
• Was in charge of Translation / Localisation, Interpretation, Proof Reading