


  • schedule ステータス:
  • 評価 :
  • 受注実績 : 2件
  • 本人確認済み
  • 日本
  • お気に入り : 1件
日本語 ⇔ 英語
  • 最終ログイン : 2024-08-22
  • 登録日 : 2017-11-20



Himitsu Kichi/Machi ha Chimu

Content writer, translator and general staff


Translates web site and promotional materials to English
Advises on inbound tourism and sustainability matters
Manages and facilitates "Broken English Association" foreign language club
Bartends for social events

Naga Earth NGO

Project Research volunteer

2016/12~ 2017/02

Assisted Director in operating machinery for medium-scale biodiesel manufacturing
Recruited Japanese restauranteurs for waste cooking oil donation
Operated anaerobic digester demonstration model
Explored opportunities and barriers to recycling wine and beer bottles with the hospitality sector

NPO Satoyama wo Kangaerukai

Research Coordinator

2013/05~ 2016/07

Coordinated the annual Higashida Conference for Sustainability
Gave tours of the Kitakyushu Smart Community Creation Project facilities in English
Managed the financial affairs of the Higashida Share Garden
Translated Japanese written materials to English and proofread written materials

Institute for Global Environmental Strategies—Kitakyushu Urban Centre

Research Intern (3-month program)

2012/11~ 2013/02

Wrote analysis of ways to achieve Siem Reap’s ASEAN ESC Model City goals for solid waste management
Supported senior researchers with work on Asian Development Bank documentation
Edited and proofread written work and performed light Japanese to English document translation tasks

Community Translation Organization

Technical Advisor (Temporary contract position)

2012/04~ 2012/10

Conducted field surveys concerning resource use and economic expenditures
Compiled and analyzed data for use in household biogas feasibility study
Synthesized economic, social, and environmental information for impact assessment of the Trav Kod reservoir and irrigation project

Oita National College of Technology

English Instructor

2011/05~ 2012/02

Taught first and fifth-year English classes
Wrote and administered exams
Prepared attendance and grade sheets using Excel spreadsheets



Fachhochschule Trier—Umwelt Campus Birkenfeld

2010/09~ 2015/11

Master of Engineering in Material Flow Management searches for integrated ways to encourage resource efficiency and waste to energy within a region in a way that is financially favourable and adds value to the region. Thesis project involved an internship with an NGO in Siem Reap, Cambodia, and field research on rural water security in the wet and dry seasons.

Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University

2009/09~ 2011/09

Master of Science in International Cooperation Policy, as part of a dual degree with the Fachhochschule Trier.
Thesis topic was “Material Flow Management in Anti-Poverty activities: a case study from Siem Reap, Cambodia.”

Allegheny College

2000/08~ 2004/05

Bachelor of Arts in Environmental Science. Heavy emphasis on critical thinking and writing skills. Graduation required a Senior Comprehensive Project in the form of an independent research dissertation. This is rare for Bachelor's degrees in the United States.

Global Sustainable Tourism Council

2017/02~ 2017/02

Certification in Sustainable Tourism Standards