Crowdsourcing Workshift > Search Freelance > tetsuru > Evaluation
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Available to work
- Appraisal :
- Job History(F) : 73 Results
- Thailand
- Favorites : Results
- Skills
- Japanese ⇔ Thai
- Last Login : 2024-11-12
- Member Since : 2017-02-24
Job History, Evaluation
Overall Evaluation | 4.98 |
Jobs | 73 results |
Evaluation from clients Evaluation from freelancers
Job Title: 「tetsuru」さん向けの仕事です / This job is only for 'tetsuru'
Project Price 50,000 yen to 100,000 yen
Evaluation Date : 2022-07-19
Average | Quality or Clarity | Level of Expertise | Time Management | Work Manners | Cost Performance |
5.00 |
Job Title: 【タイ】サニタリー商品約20品目を購入し商品パッケージの撮影【Thailand】 Purchase about 20 Sanitary Products and Take Package Photos
Project Price 10,000 yen to 50,000 yen
Evaluation Date : 2022-07-13
Average | Quality or Clarity | Level of Expertise | Time Management | Work Manners | Cost Performance |
5.00 |
Job Title: 【Thailand】Regulations and laws for CAR DVR <No legal knowledge & expertise required>
Project Price 50,000 yen to 100,000 yen
Evaluation Date : 2022-07-01
Average | Quality or Clarity | Level of Expertise | Time Management | Work Manners | Cost Performance |
5.00 |
Job Title: 【タイ】ゼリーおよびスナックバーの既存ブランド・商品のリストアップ、および店頭調査 [Thailand] List up existing brands/products of jelly/snack bars, and store check
Project Price 10,000 yen to 50,000 yen
Evaluation Date : 2022-06-21
Average | Quality or Clarity | Level of Expertise | Time Management | Work Manners | Cost Performance |
5.00 |
Job Title: 【タイ】住居用洗剤の商品約10品目を購入し商品パッケージの撮影【Thailand】Purchase about 10 Products of Detergent for Housing and Take Package Photos
Project Price 10,000 yen to 50,000 yen
Evaluation Date : 2022-06-14
Average | Quality or Clarity | Level of Expertise | Time Management | Work Manners | Cost Performance |
5.00 |
Job Title: 【タイ】衣料洗剤約20品目を購入し商品パッケージの撮影【Thailand】Purchase about 20 Clothes Detergent Products and Take Package Photos
Project Price 10,000 yen to 50,000 yen
Evaluation Date : 2022-03-14
Average | Quality or Clarity | Level of Expertise | Time Management | Work Manners | Cost Performance |
5.00 |
Job Title: Survey on how Japanese companies in Thailand can enter the cannabis industry
Project Price 10,000 yen to 50,000 yen
Evaluation Date : 2022-03-01
Average | Quality or Clarity | Level of Expertise | Time Management | Work Manners | Cost Performance |
4.60 |
Average | Quality or Clarity | Level of Expertise | Time Management | Work Manners | Cost Performance |
5.00 |
Trend Research in cosmetics shops / retail pharmacy dispensing pharmacy ! Job Done
Project Price 3,000 yen to 10,000 yen
Evaluation Date : No Evaluation Currently
Job Title: Only for tetsuru san(タイ)
Project Price 3,000 yen to 10,000 yen
Evaluation Date : 2021-08-06
Average | Quality or Clarity | Level of Expertise | Time Management | Work Manners | Cost Performance |
5.00 |