クラウドソーシング ワークシフト > フリーランスを探す > elie7273173
- 評価 :
- 受注実績 : 29件
- 本人確認済み
- 日本
- お気に入り : 4件
- スキル
- 日本語 ⇔ 英語
- 日本語 ⇔ 中国語 (繁体字)
- 日本語 ⇔ 中国語 (簡体字)
- ネイティブチェック/プルーフリーディング
英語 (ネイティブ並)
日本語 (ビジネスレベル)
- 最終ログイン : 2024-11-26
- 登録日 : 2020-04-13
Hi! This is Elie from Hong Kong. I am a graduate of the City University of Hong Kong, majoring in English for the Professions. After my graduation, I worked in a law firm which English is the common language. I scored 925/990 in TOEIC and excelled at audio-typing. I am currently living in Tokyo and I passed N1 Japanese proficiency test in 2017. I have been awarded the Executive Certificate in Chinese/Japanese and Japanese/Chinese Translation with Distinction by the University of Hong Kong School of Professional and Continuing Education in 2019. I have confidence in Chinese, English and Japanese. Feel free to contact me if you need my help.