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Crowdsourcing Workshift > Find work > Make a list of gasoline/diesel dispenser manufacturer in Indonesia and the market share in Indonesia / Buatlah daftar produsen dispenser bensin / diesel di Indonesia dan pangsa pasar di Indonesia

Job name

Make a list of gasoline/diesel dispenser manufacturer in Indonesia and the market share in Indonesia / Buatlah daftar produsen dispenser bensin / diesel di Indonesia dan pangsa pasar di Indonesia

Area Limitation
Project Budget JPY
3,000 yen to 10,000 yen
Job type
Open End


1. Area


2. Need Identity Verification


3. Skills

Market Research and Surveys Other Business Service, Sales and Marketing


=== English ===
【Job Details】
Market research on gasoline/diesel dispenser(refer to the attached photo) manufacturing companies in Indonesia.
Also, market share of gasoline/diesel dispenser in Indonesia including foreign company.

Research points are:
1. The information (Company name, address, URL, the feature of company, annual manufacturing quantity) of gasoline/diesel dispenser manufacturing companies in Indonesia.
2. The information of market share of gasoline/diesel dispenser in Indonesia including foreign company

Please research the companies and the market share.

* Refer to attached excel sheet where you can find what you have to research.

【Delivery Format】
Please use attached excel file.

【Due Date】
By Jul 24th, 2020

【Expected Budget】

【Prohibited and cautionary items】
Any action that leaks the job content to third parties.

ガソリンスタンド等で使用される燃料給油機(添付写真参照)を製造しているインドネシア企業 及び インドネシア国内での燃料給油機のシェアに関する調査です。






=== Bahasa Indonesia ===
【Detail Pekerjaan】 Penelitian pasar pada perusahaan manufaktur bensin / diesel (lihat foto terlampir) di Indonesia. Juga, pangsa pasar dispenser bensin / diesel di Indonesia termasuk perusahaan asing.

Poin-poin penelitian adalah:
1. Informasi (nama Perusahaan, alamat, URL, fitur perusahaan, jumlah produksi tahunan) dari perusahaan-perusahaan manufaktur dispenser bensin / diesel di Indonesia.
2. Informasi pangsa pasar dispenser bensin / diesel di Indonesia termasuk perusahaan asing. Harap teliti perusahaan dan pangsa pasar. * Lihat lembar excel terlampir di mana Anda dapat menemukan apa yang harus Anda teliti.

【Format Pengiriman】 Silakan gunakan file excel terlampir.

【Tanggal Jatuh Tempo】 Pada 24 Juli 2020

【Anggaran yang Diharapkan】 5.000 yen

【Barang terlarang dan peringatan】 Setiap tindakan yang membocorkan konten pekerjaan ke pihak ketiga.

Introduction by Client and Background of Job

About Fee

  • Project Budget (tax included)

    Client Desired Fee 3,000 yen to 10,000 yen
  • Details of remuneration

Posting Ends


Desired Delivery Date

From hiring date 3 Days


GasolineDiesel_dispenser_manufacturing_company_in_Indonesia.xlsx file_downloaddownload

Delivery Format

Excel Sheet

Criteria for Hiring



Client information

Identification: Not Verified
Publication Date 2020-07-20 13:04
Applications Proposal number: 1  
Proposal Date: 2020-07-20 11:32