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Crowdsourcing Workshift > Find work > 【ベトナム】ゼリーおよびスナックバーの既存ブランド・商品のリストアップ、および店頭調査 [Vietnam] List up existing brands/products of jelly/snack bars, and store check

Job name

[Vietnam] List up existing brands/products of jelly/snack bars, and store check

Area Limitation
Viet Nam
Project Budget JPY
10,000 yen to 50,000 yen
Job type
Open End


1. Area

Viet Nam

2. Need Identity Verification


3. Skills

Market Research and Surveys Make a list Web Search Data Gathering


■業務詳細 / Description







①Please list up existing brands/products of the following 2 categories that are sold in Vietnam.

- Jelly (for intake of energy immediately or filling the stomach, excluding cup jelly for dessert)
- Snack bars (chocolate bars, cereal bars, protein bars, etc. for intake of energy immediately or filling the stomach)

We will send an Excel file to you describing the contents that we want you to search, after hiring condition confirmed.
20 items at most should be listed up.
Please report your progress to us after the first 5 cases are complete each category.

②Please take photos of store shelves displaying the following 2 categories in Vietnam.

- Jelly (for intake of energy immediately or filling the stomach, excluding cup jelly for dessert)
- Snack bars (chocolate bars, cereal bars, protein bars, etc. for intake of energy immediately or filling the stomach)

The stores we would like you to visit are supermarkets and drugstores.
Please visit one supermarket and one drug store each (two stores in total), and take photos of the shelves where the above category products are displayed.

③Please choose a few people from your family, friends, or acquaintances, and ask about the scenes in which they eat jelly / snack bars.
(No need to meet them F2F, you can ask them lightly through chat apps, SNS, and email. What we would like to know is only 2 things, which is the scenes in which they always eat jelly or snack bars, and the purchased products.)

■スケジュール / Schedule
Both ① and ② by June 8th (Approximately 1 week later the hiring condition confirmed)

Introduction by Client and Background of Job

■概要 / Summary
This job is posted by a Japanese food company.

About Fee

  • Project Budget (tax included)

    Client Desired Fee 10,000 yen to 50,000 yen
  • Details of remuneration

    ■希望報酬 / Budget
    20,000-30,000 JPY (including all fees)

Posting Ends


Desired Delivery Date

Date to deliver 2022-06-08


Delivery Format

■納品ファイルの形式 / Delivery Form
Excel file(list of brands/products), JPG files(photos of store shelves)
We will send an excel file to those who are considered to be the best candidates.

Criteria for Hiring

■採用条件 / Hiring Conditions
・Those who were born and currently living in the country we specified
・Substantial and completed Workshift profile
・Applicant who can be in touch frequently in Japanese
・Personal identification verification may be asked during recruiting process


■禁止事項 / Prohibition
・Copying or rewriting of any existing content or article already submitted
・Submitting products that copied from any result from automatic translation tools or software
・Reprinting or leaking of any contents to a third party
Plagiarism is crime, and please be aware that there is a case of termination of the contract and legal procedures when such act including "copy and paste" would be discovered.


Client information

Identification: Not Verified
Publication Date 2022-05-25 16:49
Applications Proposal number: 2  
Proposal Date: 2022-05-27 04:20
Proposal Date: 2022-05-25 18:12