クラウドソーシング ワークシフト > フリーランスを探す > luannguyen > 学歴・職歴
- 評価 :
- 受注実績 : 0件
- 本人確認済み
- ベトナム
- お気に入り : 0件
- スキル
- ビジネスプラン・マーケティング戦略
- 調査・分析
- ビジネスコンサルティング
- データ分析・統計・解析
- データ分類
- データ検索・収集
- データクリーニング
- 最終ログイン : 2020-10-22
- 登録日 : 2016-10-18
Vietnam Petroleum Institute, Marketing Research Department
Vice Manager
- In charge of building the analysis and forecast models for petroleum products market
- Team leader in power and coal sector for Market Analysis and Forecast Department
- Vice Manager of project “Vietnam gas market study” for JX NOEX (2014)
- Vice Manager of project “Non-Geological constrains to Unconventional Gas Production in East Asia” for National University of Singapore (2013)
- Vice Manager of project “Vietnam power market Study” (2012) and project “Vietnam non-power gas market Study” (2013) for ExxonMobil
- Vice Manager of project “Research solutions to reduce the cost of wind power production in Vietnam” for Vietnam Oil and Gas group (2012)
- Manager of project “Study domestic and international coal market, propose solutions to provide coal for power household producers and other industrial producers of PVN” for Vietnam Oil and Gas group (2011)
- Member of project “Evaluate the effectiveness of cost management and solutions to improve the efficiency in cost management for petroleum depot construction projects of PVN” (2014)
International University of Japan
2014/09~ 2016/06
- Dean’s certificate of Academic Achievement, granted by Graduate School of International Relations, International University of Japan (2016)
- Award certificate for The best Teaching Assistant, granted by Graduate School of International Relations, International University of Japan (2016)
- Master’s thesis: “On energy efficiency of Vietnamese enterprises: A Stochastic Frontier Analysis approach” is awarded the honor level of distinction