クラウドソーシング ワークシフト > フリーランスを探す > sakurayuki > 学歴・職歴

- 評価 :
- 受注実績 : 0件
- フィリピン
- お気に入り : 0件
- スキル
- Emailマーケティング
- アシスタント(秘書)サービス
- ウェブ検索
- データ入力
- データ分類
- データ検索・収集
- データクリーニング
- 最終ログイン : 2016-10-11
- 登録日 : 2016-10-11
ButlerTech Group
Data Entry Specialist, Junior Manager for Data Entry Team
2015/05~ 2016/06
• Gather client leads belonging to specific categories from different cities, regions and/or countries for the CityGuide. Gather their business or company introduction, high quality images, contact information (address, phone number, email, website). Add all data in the system and excel sheet.
• Setting up servers for new hotel client or prospect. Add pages for each category of content.
• Collect information and images for hotels and add them to the appropriate page in the hotel’s server.
• Update the hotel servers and CityGuide ads.
• Conduct training and sample tasks.
• Assigning tasks to the team members.
• Making plans to ensure that processes are conducted in an efficient and organized manner.
• Making guides for systems used by the company.
• Communicating with hotel and merchant clients with regards to the app and their profile. This includes customer service for requests, concerns and other queries.
• Coordinating with colleagues in other company branches.
• Checking hotel servers and CityGuide ads for accurate information, quality of images and bugs for quality assurance.
• Making suggestions to improve systems.
University of the Immaculate Conception
2009/06~ 2013/03
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy