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  • 最終ログイン : 2016-07-08
  • 登録日 : 2016-07-08



CARE Bangladesh

Monitoring and Evaluation Officer


@ Assist in the development and implementation of a country specific, comprehensive monitoring, evaluation and learning (MEL) framework that is in alignment with the global Tipping Point MEL framework. @ Assist in fostering a learning environment within the project through the facilitation of regular learning and reflection exercises, outcome mapping, syntheses and dissemination of emerging findings, close collaboration with MEL working group (composed of key MEL staff, partners, and consultants from Nepal, Bangladesh, and USA) @ Produce both qualitative and quantitative programme report for Care USA, donor and other stakeholder. @ Ensure intervention consistency according to expected outcomes and monitoring plan, data management, analysis and Evaluation @ Support in the development of partners’ capacity in implementing the MEL framework and to disseminating the achievements and learning at various forums and maintaining relationships with the government and strategic networks/coalitions.

Shariatpur Development Society (SDS)

Program Manager

2011/06~ 2015/03

@ Lead overall development and management of projects titled Stop child Marriage and SRHR and Girl Power including project cycles, finance & operations, project office administration, external and internal communications, advocacy and fund raising. @ Conduct research including design, analysis and reporting, @ Conduct different FGD, in depth interview, key informant interview and social mapping, @ Assist national and international consultant in conducting baseline survey, MTR and final evaluation. @ Produce quarterly, half yearly and annual program monitoring report (both narrative and quantitative) as well as different communication materials for donor and other stakeholder including editing publication, @ Assist to form Civil Society network, Girls club, Child Protection Group and support to arrange life skill and different income earning trainings for girls. @ Supervise a team of 31 staffs and volunteer and strengthen their capacity through training and workshop. @ Develop monitoring mechanism, different data collection tools, guideline and facilitate training for staffs. @ Contribute to organizational development including formulation of strategic plan, networking with like-minded global and national organization. @ Coordinate district, national and regional level training, workshop, round table discussion, seminar and campaign. @ Maintain liaison with Child rights alliance in Netherlands, International Child Development Initiatives (ICDI), national and international network, district and upazilla level government department and Civil Society Organization (CSO).

Campaign for Good Governance

Associate Coordinator- Monitoring and Documentation

2010/06~ 2011/06

@ Play leading role in conducting budget and expenditure tracking survey including survey instrument design, data collection, analysis and reporting, @ Develop M&E framework, indicator, tools and methodologies including baseline survey. @ Liaison with 45 network members in 45 districts to collect case study and to document achievement, learning and challenges. @ Conduct training and workshop for network members (CS and NGO) as well as local government institute. @ Prepare monthly, quarterly and annual program monitoring report (both narrative and quantitative). @ Ensure validity, reliability, timeliness and quality of data received from network organization. @ Coordinate research related activity like baseline, MTR and other study. @ Contribute in different publication especially quarterly newsletter by providing information, writing text and suggesting design.

CARE Bangladesh

Monitoring and Evaluation Officer

2009/09~ 2010/05

@ Coordinate all M&E activities with the assigned PNGOs and DD team(s) including data collection, analysis and reporting, for SHOUHARDO program funded by USAID @ Play leading role in conducting monthly monitoring household survey at hub level including supervising PNGOs M&E officer, providing training on questionnaire, ensuring spot checking etc. @ Assist M&E unit in planning and drafting quarterly progress review and final evaluation including logistics arrangement; @ produce quality M&E reports with active support from the Regional M&E Manager. @ Update project M&E information database at regional hub level; @ Ensure validity, reliability, timeliness and quality of all data/ information through systematic cross/ spot checking and triangulation on the sample and census data.

Jagrata Juba Shangha (JJS)

Research & Monitoring Officer

2007/06~ 2009/09

@ Design, manage and coordinate an effective Monitoring and Evaluation (M & E) system including specific monitoring tools and indicators, @ Conduct Survey, Need assessment and Citizen Report Card Survey including methodologies set up, survey tools/ instrument development, data collection, data cleaning, analysis and reporting through visual presentation. @ Prepare monthly, quarterly, half yearly and annual program monitoring report (both narrative and analytical). @ Organize meeting, seminar, training and workshop regarding research and monitoring and coordinate with research institute and university. @ Develop training manual, presentation and other paper for wider information dissemination. @ Play leading role to produce quarterly newsletter and other IEC materials.

Bangladesh Enterprise Institute (BEI)

Project Supervisor- Research

2006/06~ 2007/05

@ Assist to develop research tools, techniques and processes of data collection; @ Supervise around 30 enumerators and monitor data collection process, ensured authenticity and objectivity of data and provide them technical and logistics support. @ Prepare presentations of research findings for public forums; @ Organize orientation and training for enumerator and arrange logistics and materials. @ Develop data entry template and monitor the data entry process.