クラウドソーシング ワークシフト > フリーランスを探す > Berengario > 学歴・職歴
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- 本人確認済み
- イタリア
- お気に入り : 1件
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- その他執筆・ライティング
- その他
- 最終ログイン : 2021-01-09
- 登録日 : 2014-06-20
University of Roma 3 -Department of Geolog
PhD student
2010/01~ 2013/12
Work on a research project about mineral and thermal water in the Lazio region in Italy. Strong chemical and physic laboratory experience. One month spent at USC University in Los Angeles like visiting student. Academic qualification not obtained due to interruption of the course for family reasons.
Daily Hop Pub
Pub Manager
2015/01~ 2016/12
Full-time manager of the Pub. My main duty was organizing deliveries, making sure the pub area is stocked and well maintained, making sure customers are served quickly, running the pub in line with health, safety and legal regulations, stock managing, handling wages, book-keeping and accounts, building good relationships with breweries, suppliers and customers and carrying out plans to maximize sales.
BSR –British school at Rome
Residence Assistant (part time)
The BSR is a UK institution founded in 1901. It is a ‘school’ for research in archaeology and Italian studies. My duty is welcoming and supporting visitor and award holders who reside and work inside the school.
Events Writer
Writer and organizer for fantasy Larp events.
University of Roma 3 -Department of Geology
2007/09~ 2010/06
MSc Geology for land and resources
Modules included: Geochemistry, Petrography, Volcanology, Risk management, Geothermal and renewable energy
University of Milano Bicocca
2003/09~ 2006/08
BSc Geology science and technology
IISS E. Majorana – Seriate
1998/09~ 2003/07
High school diploma of Surveyor