クラウドソーシング ワークシフト > フリーランスを探す > Lockftw > 学歴・職歴
- 評価 :
- 受注実績 : 0件
- 本人確認済み
- ブラジル
- お気に入り : 1件
- スキル
- ゲーム開発
- ソフトウェア開発
- その他(開発・プログラム)
- 小説・詩・エッセー・脚本
- ブログ執筆
- レビュー・口コミ執筆
- データ入力
- データ分類
- データ検索・収集
- データクリーニング
- 英語 ⇔ ポルトガル語
- 最終ログイン : 2015-11-22
- 登録日 : 2015-11-22
Game Designer/Developer
2015/01~ 2015/03
Worked as a Game Designer and Developer on GAMEDU, a company that develops educational games for secondary school studants, focused on basic mathematics and stuff like. All the games are developed on the tool Construct 2.
Nordeste Fomento Mercantil
Programmer / Software Tester Developer
2013/01~ 2013/05
Worked as a general Programmer on Nordeste Fomento Mercantil, a Factoring company, focusing on Software Tester (responsible for creating and running the codes) / Java (They had a Web System on Htlm/CSS/JavaScript/etc) / Web Developer focused on code (worked on the existing system, adding required funcionalities required by the users - which were the people working on the company -, developing layouts for new funcionalities based on existing layouts, instead of creating new ones)
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte
2012/03~ 2012/12
University Trainee Grant focused on developing an educational game to support and help the teaching of Algorithms and Data Structures disciplines. The game was made on Visual Studio(using C#) using the Kinect tool in a way to make students interect "physically" with the game to improve the chances of learning.
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte
2014/06~ 2014/12
Developed - with 2 programmers/graphic artists - a Full Game Demo on the discipline Game Development and a "Boxing Game" using Kinect on discipline User Interface Design
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte
2015/01~ 2015/01
Short Course on Developing Games for Windows Phone using Unity, leaded by a local Microsoft representative and Game Developer
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte
2015/02~ 2015/02
Short Course on Developing Games for mobiles using Unity, leaded by a senior programmer and teacher at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte