クラウドソーシング ワークシフト > フリーランスを探す > AjaySharma1989 > 学歴・職歴

評価 :
- 受注実績 : 0件
- インド
- お気に入り : 0件
- スキル
- バナーデザイン
- その他ロゴ・キャラクター・イラスト・アイコン・バナー
- グラフィックデザイン
- 写真加工・編集
- 画像加工・編集
- その他写真・画像・音声・声優
- Flash制作
- ビデオ・動画制作
- 映像制作・編集
- その他動画・ビデオ・アニメーション
- 名刺・カードデザイン
- ちらし・パンフレット・カタログ デザイン
- ポスターデザイン
- その他名刺・印刷物・DTP
- 3Dプリンタ
- 最終ログイン : 2015-10-02
- 登録日 : 2015-09-28
TATA Consultancy Services
Senior Production Associate & Compositor
My primary responsibility was to Design and assure the Quality of Ads that are printed for American
Yellow Pages (For Kansas City Yellow Pages Creative Tower, USA). Apart from this we are also Designs & Provide the customized Live Web Templates using Adobe InDesign, Photoshop, illustrator and After effects. As well to offer the freedom of basic edits into that in terms of headline, Subheadline, Price Coding & Location changes to the Client as well as to the End Customers. Performs RCA, preparation of client specification documents, It’s a semi Web Profile where I used to work on HTML & Basic CSS to make the templates Live on the client’s web portals & web sites. Having E learning experience.
The College of Animation Bio-engineering & research centre, India
2007/06~ 2010/05
Successfully completed professional studies in Advance animation film making Fine arts as a main streamline subjects. These includes Sketching, Anatomy study, Muscle and bone study, Life and motion sketching, landscaping, Film appreciation sessions, Creativity appreciation lectures, Human body study, Light and shade theory, Animation principles, Color theory, 2D/3D motion production, 3D art and graphics production, Audio - Video Mixing, editing and Special-Visual effects production.