クラウドソーシング ワークシフト > フリーランスを探す > SanLwin > 学歴・職歴

評価 :
- 受注実績 : 4件
- 本人確認済み
- ミャンマー
- お気に入り : 3件
- スキル
- ホームページ制作
- 専門分野の執筆
- ウェブサイトコンテンツ
- 文書・記事・テキスト・コラム執筆
- ブログ執筆
- レビュー・口コミ執筆
- 調査・分析
- ビジネスコンサルティング
- Eメール対応サービス
- カスタマーサポート
- その他
- 英語 ⇔ ミャンマー語
- 最終ログイン : 2024-02-20
- 登録日 : 2015-08-08
Development Resource International (DRI)
Agri-business Development Manager
2016/12~ 2017/11
1. Organize logistics and other administrative requirements for setting up DRI’s REDF office at Thazi Township.
2. Arrange furnishing and whatever minor renovation is needed for the office. Ensure safety of DRI assets in the office premises. Identify and recruit a reliable security guard for protecting the office premises and DRI assets.
3. In consultation with the Project Manager based in Nay Pyi Taw, develop a full-scale work plan with measurable results to be achieved in each month. Monitor and review work plan on a bi-monthly basis and update the business results specified in the updated work plan.
4. Develop a list of personnel who would be required on regular employment and on short-term consultancy assignment, based on outputs to be produced as per the work plan.
5. Resolve problems and issues in consultation with the Project Manager and ensure that problems are considered as challenges and strategies must be developed to overcome the challenges.
6. Review the overall village socioeconomic situation covering the entire Thazi Township. Identify 20 villages that will be target of REDF village outreach business operation and establish methodically all service lines at Thazi Township with village outreach capacity.
7. In each village enter into service agreement with village channel partner (VCP) who would operate as REDF’s agent or business partner for organizing and establishing all business activities including relationship management with client farmers and other producers, establishing clients database with training in operating the mobile app based database to be provided by DRI, and all other business cooperation activities with farmers and other producers engaged in agri business.
8. In cooperation with Manager – Rural Community Development and Village (M-RCD) and Channel Partner (VCP), identify market demand in the village and prepare and implement (marketing) action plan. The marketing plan will comprise of DRI services covering:
(a) Farmers demand and timing of needs for agricultural such as seeds, fertiliser, pesticides, farm tools, small equipment, water pumping set for irrigation, etc.
(b) Organizing with suppliers at the township, state/region and union/national level for supply of these inputs at competitive prices. Building up a network of suppliers at the union/national level will be done in cooperation with the Project Manager based in Nay Pyi Taw.
(c) Organizing with buyers at the township, state/region and union/national level for marketing and sale of agricultural products produced by REDF’s client farmers.
(d) Develop strategy for consolidating inventory of agricultural inputs as well as inventory of agricultural final produce (farm products). This may require, for instance, community-based warehousing allowing for aggregating inventories for efficient distribution and sale.
9. In respect of assisting farmers with access to loan, develop a separate action plan for providing such service. This service line will be developed and operated in cooperation with M-RCD and VCPs.
10. Other tasks as per emerging business marketing plan to be developed in cooperation with Director of DRI.
Jardine Distribution Inc. (JDI)
Agriculture Development Manager
2014/03~ 2015/06
1. Provide the Management team,( follow up marketing plan, strategies, promotion schedule with regional team in Philippines, I was under training as Marketing Manager)
2. Especially towards new products, ( Conducting research and discussion with all key player such as Boss, CEO, Marketing Manager, Regional Manager, All local staff, Dealer, Sub-dealer, Sale Girls, Land Owner, Large Producer, Farmer, Grower and small holder to know Agro-chemical Market, Crop Pattern, User Preference, Leading Company, Market Share, Sale Amount, List of Company and list of dealer in region)
3. Regulatory processes and procedures on product importation, (Registration, International Trade etc.)
4. Provide some recommendation on the way forward for Company ( Arrange to meet person from Company, Potential Buyer)
5. Company proceeds in establishing its own organization in Myanmar
Consortium Dutch NGOs
Project Manager
2013/09~ 2014/02
1. Responsible for implementing the activities as stated in project document
2. Activity planning needs to be prepared
3. Team management and creating a cohesive team
4. Monitoring of project outputs and implementation of agreed activities
5. Program Manager reports project progress
6. Effective and efficient implementation of the team including logistic and team support.
7. Effective coordination with other organization, Maintain financial overview
Swanyee Development Foundation
Technical Specialist (Agriculture)
2013/01~ 2013/08
1. Collaborate with TS (CB &CM) in the formation of Forest Labor Groups;
2. Assist CBOs in preparing micro project proposals for the activities
3. Serve as a resource person in the technical skill trainings on agriculture
4. Monitor and supervise the activities of Field Technicians (Agriculture);
5. Lead the community to operate the planned activities related to Agriculture;
6. Check and control the expenditure of field implementation related to allocated budget
7. Develop detail work plan on community based field implementation;
8. Liaise and coordinate with project teams to ensure integration and harmonization
9. Submit the regular progress reports, reports, monthly and quarterly reports;
10. Perform other tasks as assigned by the APM and PM.
Welthungerhilfe (German Agro Action)
2012/01~ 2013/01
1. Agricultural extension: taking responsibility for skill person in providing agricultural technique and practice
2. Farmer Field School Training: acting resource person in FFS weekly in our target area, taking data from experiments and demonstration plots.
3. CAEDP coordinator: doing key player in CAEDP and Its Shop between community, Village Development Committee and office and adjustment in purchasing Paddy for local daily price and Quality control.
4. Vegetable promotion and training: As vegetable promoter assistant, distribution vegetable seeds to beneficiaries, supporting growing practices and conducting trainings in all villages tract.
Myanmar Textile Industry
Assistant Manager
2004/12~ 2012/01
1. Agricultural production and practices: Some suitable crop growing, cotton growing in Dry and arid areas.
2. Project leadership and machinery experience for ginning cotton, Irrigation practices for cotton field and other extra duties and responsibility.
3. Office Coordination: Supporting farm and head of factory in various activities and take the role of representatives of 2010 Election in Pwintphyu Township.
4. Cotton production: 3 Years cotton production in lower Myanmar and Trail plot for cotton yield, different varieties test, detail responsibility for cost of production and calculation on one unit price
5. Raw Material Planning Activities: Settle for Purchasing Camp for Cotton in rural Area ,controlling cotton quality, packaging and transporting to Garage and responsible for budget and camp management
6. Cooperation with local farmers: Social, technically contact with local farmers and to improve their willingness to grow major fiber crop cotton
7. Office Management: Supervising 70-80 government servants and others to do in cotton farm and trained them to be skill labor, and to participate in cotton production process which leads to Weaving, spinning and clothes industry.
8. Industrialized Activities: Coordination with other line departments, Landscaping design and management, Smart and Clean in Factory compound, Training factory Labor for Agriculture Works and Activities.
9. Agricultural practices: Cotton Plantation late monsoon season and peas and beans, sesame and vegetable grow in winter season.
10. Project leadership and machinery experience: All project need and car, machinery management in rural area.
11. Processing cotton: Ginning cotton and Bailing, Irrigation practices for cotton field and other extra duties and responsibility.
12. Contract Farming: Taking duties for discussion with cotton growing, making contract, supporting agricultural input and technique and colleting the product in harvest time.
Welthungerhilfe (German Agro Action)
Seed Business Expert
1. Assist the International Agribusiness expert in preforming market assessments and agribusiness development
2. Support a number of selected seed companies to improve their seed marketing plans and seed promotion practices
3. Support selected seed growers in different promotional activities to increase seed uptake by surrounding farmers and establish a close relationship with their customers
4. Facilitate strong linkages between EGS producers (DOA seed farms and DAR research farms) and seed growers, and support the application of transparent forecasting systems and forward contracting where possible
5. Linking seed growers with agro-dealers and output value chain associations to facilitate market linkages and encourage seed growers and seed companies to establish demonstration fields close to the main markets of input supply
6. Contribute to project planning, monitoring and evaluation
7. Document and share information gathered through the project implementation
8. Develops technical concepts, guidelines, manuals and procedures which are ready to be applied
9. Any other tasks assigned by Head of Project and/ or Project Coordinator
Khon Kaen University, Thailand
2015/01~ 2016/11
Msc Student for Master of Rural Development Management (MRDM)
Research Tittle: "Factors Affecting Food Security among Upland Agriculture Households in Paletwa Township, Chin State of Myanmar" November 2016
GPA 3.75 out of 4
Yezin Agriculture University
1996/11~ 2002/10
Agriculture Science
Research Tittle: "Germplasm Enhancement and Varietal Improvement of 25 Varietis of Greengram", October 2002
GPA 3.24 out of 5