クラウドソーシング ワークシフト > フリーランスを探す > bilingualexec > 学歴・職歴
- 評価 :
- 受注実績 : 0件
- 本人確認済み
- 日本
- お気に入り : 1件
- スキル
- サイト管理・運営
- その他(管理・運営・テスト)
- 日本語 ⇔ 英語
- ビジネスプラン・マーケティング戦略
- 商品企画
- その他 営業・マーケティング
- ビジネスコンサルティング
- その他
- 最終ログイン : 2020-07-15
- 登録日 : 2015-05-25
Force at Works Inc.
Managing Director
Exclusive Contract with Sims2Go U.K. to start Sims2Go Japan.
Have prepared and launched the release of international SIM card communication service and mobile phone products. Setup
distribution channel with Brastel Telecom Co. Ltd. Defined and created product and services.
Softique Inc.
Restarted the company assisting companies on either starting up or
improving their online business initiatives. Functionalities include
website design, e-commerce, hosting and mobile solutions as well as
SEO and other marketing services. All sales, marketing and project
management is done in Japan by myself and all of the development is
done in the Philippines to reduce cost.
My current profitability is over 60% of sales.
Formally part of PSINet Japan which included Rimnet and Twics, became independent in July 2000 and followed an MBO in March 2001. Capitalized at Yen 284 Million and staffed by 80 people. Challenged by declining revenues in the ISP business, I restructured the company to dramatically reduce operating expenses and created new sources of revenue to include, Servance (web hosting), DomainTorou (domain registration) and Jmail (web mail) without subsidies or additional funding. Additional new source of revenue was
established managing the data center for Bit-Isle for JPY90M using existing staff thus turning a cost center into a profit center. This resulted in restraining the revenue decline while increasing profits. Consecutive losses (inherited) of over $3.5M for the company were erased in Nov. 2002. Left the company in a profitable state. The flagship Rimnet service was sold in Feb. 2004.