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  • schedule Status:
    Available to work
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  • Job History(F) : 0 Results
  • Tunisia
  • Favorites : 0 Results
Home Page Development
Landing Page Development
Javascript Development
Other Web and Mobile Development
Web Page Development
  • Last Login : 2020-05-07
  • Member Since : 2020-05-07



Peaksource Vision

Fullstack web/mobile developper

2017/02~ 2019/01

In this company I started as a Laravel developer, when they saw that I easily learn technologies, they assigned me different projects with different frameworks: .net core, VueJs, Symfony, Angular, Android, Laravel.
- Since that we work on business solutions, the users hierarchy is so important so I designed a new concept to manage data access in web applications, I coded the concept in .net core but it can be used in any framework, it’s a concept that you can find in:
- Global repositories: the generic repositories that can replace all the repositories in a web application:
- Generic JQuery: a ready to use library and “framework” using JQuery to write less code and reuse as much code as possible:
- Worked on 16 projects in total: 9 for Business (CRM, ERP), 1 for public, 4 android apps and 2 internal projects: .net Core and Laravel Boilerplates using global repositories and Smart-Getters with generic JQuery


Lead Web Developer - (mission)

2019/02~ 2019/07

Working with the team, we made sure that all the projects are delivered in time with a good quality and the best development process depending on the team members, the technology and the project itself. My main mission was managing the team in order to ensure effective communication and improve their code quality as well as the way of using the agile methodology SCRUM through Hard-skills and Soft-skills training sessions.
Key words: .NET CORE, Laravel, Symfony, VueJs, JQuery, ExpressJs


Lead web developer

2019/08~ 2020/04

We work on real-time web applications to deliver high quality products ensuring functional and unit tests. As a team leader, I make sure that every member of my team is motivated and confident through training sessions (soft-skills and hard-skills) which allow them to do their best and produce good, adequate and concise work.
Key words: NodeJs, Typscript, Laravel, Websockets (pusher), VueJs, NestJs, .NET CORE