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- Philippines
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- Other Data Entry
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- Last Login : 2020-01-27
- Member Since : 2020-01-27
2018/07~ 2019/07
I’ve worked as an Scheduler who do scheduling/providing job to our Technician depends on their region. The account is all about Fibre Optic in New Zealand. We also deal with the customer a day before their appointment to confirm if they are available on the scheduled appointment or else we need to reschedule the appointment date. We also handle the admin task, dealing with the different Technician per region to check the job that has been done, if there’s any issue and paying the technician based from what he have done. We are using Skype for business to call the Technicians and customers, UCG Website, Zendesk and Slack. This is a morning schedule, we follow New Zealand time, we only have 2 shifts, one is from 5:00 AM Philippine time to 2:00 PM and 6:00 AM Philippine time to 3:00 PM.
2017/11~ 2018/07
US Healthmark is a Medical Insurance (HMO) only in California. I am working in a Graveyard shift, we do follow Pacific Time in United State. We are like a customer service to the Nurses who’s calling us to verify the account of the patient (customer) to check the eligibility, to know the amount of the specific type of services that the customer wanted to avail, to ask what type of medical terms or laws they will be using when getting a claims/payment. We also do Data Entry or Encoding using some medical terms if needed especially for the incorrect claims that we cannot pay due to incorrect laws/medical terms from the hospital claims.
2017/06~ 2017/10
MDM Systems is a Australian BPO and their bread and butter is the account of Telemarketing. We follow Australian Time which is 8:00 AM Philippine time to 5:00 PM. As a telemarketer we are calling different regions in Australia depends on the Charity Group. We are calling on behalf of the Charity to offer an item to the customer with the charity logo on it like ball pens, towels and bags. Their vision is not just to sell the item for profit but to spread awareness that’s why every item has the Charity logo on it.
2015/10~ 2016/04
GFL Systems has a lot of different accounts and all are following United State time. I handled Customer Service Representative. We do Calls, Chats and Emails for the whole 8 hours shift. The account is Ashley Bridget, it’s an online website who sells jewelries that is good for all occasions. Our usual task is receiving a call, chat or email from the customer who need an assistant in regards to the shipment, on how to pay on website, to follow up orders, to complain regarding the item that they have received, on how to get a discount. We also have Facebook Page for Ashley Bridget which we manage to check customer’s messages, to hide or delete bad feedback and to update the discounts on every item that were selling.