クラウドソーシング ワークシフト > フリーランスを探す > thestrong2020 > 学歴・職歴
Craies ex plus
General director
2016/01~ 2019/05
I have been general director of craies ex plus. We were making only chalks and after my trip in japan I have brought a new contract with Japanese company named kokuban. We sell there chalks sheet like board.
And about my society I made a finance company for the creation of middle class. there people who like to sell from 100$ but they even don’t have it soo my company received their business plan and finance them with little money but they are oblige to give repport our their sell everyday to my company, and my company make sure of every changement of those people’s live.
I have been on tv many time to talk about young entrepreneurship ,development and self finance independence also meet many governments authorities to talk about same things.