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  • 最終ログイン : 2024-12-08
  • 登録日 : 2019-06-22



Anthony Adams Makeup

Celebrity Makeup Artist

2008/10~ 2019/06

Models Bambi Northwood Blyth for Charlie Brown, Kirsty Macphail,
Singers & Bands Deni Hines, Christine Anu, Kimbra, Paulini, KD Lang, Katie Underwood, Tiffany Wood, Cosima Devito, Cath Alcorn,
Film & Television Personalities Barbara Eden ( I Dream of Jeanie), Esther Anderson (Home and Away), Grant Denyer (for Carols in the Domain) Alisa and Lysandra for SA Style Magazine Valentino the Musical Todd McKenney, Libby Tanner (Wentworth), Ali Oetjen,
Sports Stars Georgie Parker, Jane Claxton,
Celebrity Chefs
Fantastic Rice crackers commercial

Designers & Fashion Labels Eliza Emanuele, Base By Ben, Jeans Corp,
Publications OK Magazine, SA Style Magazine, New Idea, Brides of Adelaide, LOTL, Sydney Star Observer, Brisbane News, Body and Soul, The Advertiser, Adelaide Hills Magazine,
TVC’s Palmers Cocoa Butter, Motor Accident Commission, Spare Tables,
Television Shows

Films Sunflower Sings,

Music Videos Takin it to the streets ( Christine Anu and Deni Hines)

Album Cover Deni Hines and James Morrison ( The Other Woman)

Musicals Dusty the Musical,

Celebrity clients Christine Anu, Deni Hines

Events Clipsal, Aston Martin, Devroe Hair Care, Motor Accident Commission, Central Plaza Brisbane, Canturi Jewellers, Tiffany’s, Amuse Creative, Finesse Models, FTM Models, Bay Bridal Fair Parades, Caudo Sangria, Adelaide Central Plaza, Sussans,


Promotions Team

2001/05~ 2008/10

Working as part of the promotion team for Chanel, Anthony worked as a Makeup Artist and Consultant who would travel to stores within Sydney and Brisbane to promote the brand and products of Chanel

Anthony Adams Art


2019/06~ 2017/06

Anthony Adams is a collage artist based in Adelaide, Australia. Anthony has worked as a Celebrity Makeup Artist for many years while working on his art for personal satisfaction. Anthony’s work focuses on world events, where Anthony wants to put his point of view across. They also center’s on Celebrities and their history/careers, or just beautiful pictures.


Anthony’s work was shown in Times Square! July 24th 2014. The billboards were located at 46th St. and Broadway in the heart of NYC. This was part of the SeeMeTakeover

In May 2019 his work was featured during See.Me's After party at the Jane Hotel during the Affordable Art Week and was viewed by hundreds of members of our collector and artist community.

Secret Art of Life 2016
Anthony was invited to enter the Daws house exhibition. This was his first ever exhibition of which his piece ‘Two sides of a woman’ was the first one to sell on the opening night.
SALA 2017
Anthony had several of his works featured as part of the SALA Unity exhibition at the ARKABAR hotel. Anthony was one of the sellers at this exhibition.
SALA 2017
He also as part of The Kensi Kollaboration, SALA that featured several works as part of the Kensington Kollection at the Kensington Hotel. As part of this exhibition he was also a seller.

Behind the work Anthony’s work is varied. He produces three styles of work. One is his thoughts, ideas and opinions on current events and offers his point of view. Something that cannot be spoken.
He also likes to feature iconic celebrities and focus on their lives and careers adding them to the background of the work.
Also beautiful pictures, images that stand out for a statement piece.
All works are collage/acrylics and ink on canvas. They are finished with a gloss varnish. Most of the images used are Anthony’s own photography, magazines/newspapers or printed matter.