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SMM対策 (Social Media Marketing)
  • 最終ログイン : 2022-07-23
  • 登録日 : 2019-05-09



Ninja Creative Marketing

Social Media Marketing Manager

2018/12~ 2019/12


I’ve carefully gone through your job posting. I’m working as an SMM expert and providing Online Marketing services for the past 1 years. I've worked successfully with clients around the globe.

My enthusiasm for Social Media helps me to create a detailed marketing strategy which will be an asset to your business. I've focused on how to help my clients to achieve quality traffic using Social Media. I can attract qualified leads, generate engagement and increase growth rate with time.

Based on my skills and prior experience I can provide you with such marketing facilities in SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING that are given below:

Facebook Marketing & Management:

• Design and set up your Facebook pages and assets
• Research and set up targeting audience and tracking them to reach the right people at the right time.
• Create high quality & compelling ad (images, and videos) to get the attention of a precisely targeted customer.
• Budgeting and forecasting your ad budget to keep it efficient.
• Scheduling ad run time
• Boosting Posts towards the exact targeted audience
• Driving Targeted Traffic towards the Websites
• Tracking, reporting and key metrics so you know what's working.

One of my previous projects:
• for the website:
I've worked with Val de Vie Estate on their Facebook account and now it has 21k followers and likes.

Instagram Marketing & Management:

• Instagram Marketing Strategy.
• Developing, managing and promoting Instagram accounts.
• Marketing analysis and Research on the latest and greatest trends.
• Researching most used & relevant Hashtags to gain relevant engagement.
• Increasing the Followers and Maintaining a moderate Ratio of Followers to Followings.
• Increasing the number of likes and comments on Instagram post and photos.
• Finding the potential, real and targeted audiences and increasing engagements with them.
• Finding the Influencers and increasing engagements with them.
• Creating visually attracted pins using Canva, Muro, Gravit.
• Schedule posts with third party Apps, like GRUM, Tailwind, Hootsuite.
• A weekly analysis of Instagram account with third-party Apps, like ink361.

One of my previous projects:
• for the website:
I've worked for Guide to Iceland, the largest & most popular travel website about Iceland. Their requirements were to give them a huge boost to their engagement on Instagram. I've increased their likes from 1,500 to around 3,000 per post. I'm currently managing their Pinterest account i.e.

Pinterest Marketing & Management:

• Pinterest Marketing Strategy.
• Full management of the Pinterest account.
• Marketing analysis and Research on the latest and greatest trends.
• Writing SEO targeted descriptions targeted towards your specific needs.
• Promoting sites and products through Pinterest.
• Pinterest Marketing with Search Engine Optimization.
• Increasing the Followers and Maintaining a moderate Ratio of Followers to Followings.
• Increasing your site's traffics and sells via Pinterest.
• Schedule pinning with third party Apps.
• Creating visually attracted pins using Canva, Muro, Gravit.
• Find the potential, real and targeted audiences and increasing engagements with them.
• A weekly analysis of Pinterest account.

One of my previous projects:
• for the website:
I have worked for an online cash wedding registry for a very long time and built their Pinterest account from scratch and when I handed over the Pinterest account to the Client it had approx 100k of followers.

Twitter Marketing & Management:

• Full management of the Twitter account.
• Twitter business/brand page custom design and set up
• Twitter content development and schedule management.
• Twitter business strategy development and implementation
• Follower development and connected with them by posting and creating content
• Find the potential, real and targeted audiences and increasing engagements with them.
• Marketing analysis and Research on the latest and greatest trends.

One of my previous projects:
• for the website:
I've built this Twitter account from scratch and now it has approx 10k of followers.

If you have any query please let me know, I'll be happy to serve you. I'm always available and would be happy to set up a convenient time to discuss the project and some ideas about this project as soon as possible, according to you.

Eagerly waiting to hear a positive response from your end.

Thanks for your consideration.
Warm Regards,
Abjal Hossain.