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  • 受注実績 : 0件
  • お気に入り : 0件
  • 最終ログイン : 2019-03-03
  • 登録日 : 2019-03-03



ReliSource Technologies Ltd.

Sr. SQA Engineer


- Communicated effectively with business and development teams to gather requirements. Reviewed written requirements by business team through JIRA project management tool.
- Established QA process and test environment, Defined and designed test plan and test strategy documents.
- Designed and developed functional test cases based on Software Requirement Specification, Business Requirement documents and JIRA stories & Tasks using JAMA test case management tool.
- Defined test scope for functional automation & performance script, Designed and developed functional automation script using Selenium web driver with JAVA technologies,
- Designed and developed custom report for automated script using TestNG library in both HTML and PDF format.
- Developed and configured Jenkins (CI) server to perform continuous execution of the functional automated script as per scheduler.
- Designed and developed automated performance script suing JMeter and prepared executive test summary report for the client.
- Reviewed Test cases designed by other team members, performed functional, sanity, smoke and regression test for the features as per ongoing release.
- Designed automated script to test API (Soap and REST) using SoapUI and JERSY client with JAVA languages. Also used Boomerang chrome extension to test API.
- Designed and developed demo automated framework for android application using Appium with Java.
- Logged system defect on JIRA and managed defect life cycle until the defect fixed and closed.
- Provided system training on new test members and participated on resource hiring process.


Software QA Engineer

2011/02~ 2012/09

- Review tasks, tickets and all other workings of test engineers and give them support for bringing up the best quality of the projects.
- Reporting all working and following up all test engineers’ worksheet on Google docs.
- Test cases writing for new projects & Test cases update for existing live projects.
- Analysis on the projects requirements, Major focusing testing areas, Risks, Estimated Time Allocation for testing according to requirement documents.
- Follow up all project related documents like PRD, Wireframe, Mock Up or UI Guide lines, Whole site map, Test data and other documents for understanding and acquiring depth knowledge on the projects.
- Follow up all updated projects information given by PMs, Clients, Developers, QA persons and also other related persons over Confluence management tools.
- Performed testing on project’s Builds, Change Requests and Migrations task according to requirements.
- Performed testing on the different phases of projects like Demo, Staging, Pre-live and Live according to the requirements and by comparing with Full HTML version of the projects.
- Reported found bugs into JIRA and follow up full bug life cycle until bug fixed.
- Performed testing on Xstudio, Xtable and TestLodge tools as per projects requirement.
- Performed Adhoc testing, Black Box testing, Smoke Testing, Regression Testing, UI testing, UAT Testing, Functional testing, Maintenance testing and any other different types of Manual testing.
- Performed testing on latest version of iPhone, iPad, Android, BlackBerry and Windows 7 devices and UA and also use Simulator and Device Anywhere tools to use any other devices.
- Performed testing in multiple environments and browsers. Such as: Windows 7, Windows Vista for both 32bit and 64 bit, IE, Mozilla, Safari, Google Chrome etc.
- Performed testing on Google Analytics, Omnibug using Firebug tool.