クラウドソーシング ワークシフト > フリーランスを探す > Lunzalu > 学歴・職歴

- 評価 :
- 受注実績 : 4件
- 本人確認済み
- ケニア
- お気に入り : 0件
- スキル
- ウェブサイトコンテンツ
- 小説・詩・エッセー・脚本
- 文書・記事・テキスト・コラム執筆
- ブログ執筆
- メルマガ執筆
- レビュー・口コミ執筆
- 文章校正・編集
- その他執筆・ライティング
- 広告・PR
- Emailマーケティング
- テレマーケティング・電話営業
- ビジネスプラン・マーケティング戦略
- 調査・分析
- その他 営業・マーケティング
- アシスタント(秘書)サービス
- Eメール対応サービス
- カスタマーサポート
- ウェブ検索
- アンケート・リサーチ
- インタビュー
- その他ビジネスサポート・アンケート
- データ入力
- その他
- リストアップ
- Webによる市場調査
- 現地語によるFB代理運用
- 通訳・同行
- 最終ログイン : 2025-03-07
- 登録日 : 2018-09-30
Modern Coast Express Limited
Customer Care Support
2018/01~ 2018/08
Provide customer support via phone and email, answer technical inquiries, answer user queries, diagnose reported problems or configuration issues, recommend possible solutions and follow issues through to successful resolution
Listening to calls of care agents and advising on quality
Assisting departmental head in setting up sales goals and campaigns
Social media marketing strategies
Social Media Post development and scheduling
Client response Analysis and sales generation
Online content monitoring and evaluation
Online content-related crisis Management
Document all reported problems in the ticket tracking system
Maintain an electronic record of technical information to research possible solutions to problems
Interface with appropriate technical/programming personnel for customer problems that cannot be resolved quickly on the telephone
Set up phone conferences with customer and internal teams for collaboration when needed
Modern Coast Express Limited
Customer Care Representative & Telemarketer
2017/06~ 2017/12
Identifying and providing satisfactory solutions to every client's needs, recommendations, and complaints.
Aligning all communication to laid down company policies, scripts, and procedures.
Maintaining a database on client request and concerns
Working towards achieving company goals and targets
Informing clients on available services and offers within any available opportunities.
Play a significant role as the key contact point of Modern Coast Express Limited.
Timely response and ethical handling of client calls, emails, and social media inquiries
Working in a very fast-paced environment with many clients to attend to and with minimum supervision.
Trace missed calls and make outbound calls in a professional way.
Helping to build good customer relations and improve company image.
Performing any other duties as provided by management
Promoted to Social Media Customer support
Modern Coast Express Limited
Travel Booking Clerk
2017/03~ 2017/06
Prompt engagement with customers physically and via telephone to arrange and confirm travels within East Africa.
Book travel tickets for passengers to their respective designations.
Inform passengers of the space availability on the date of their travel
Answer customer inquiries on bookings of travel tickets.
Maintain an inventory of passenger space availability in a booking office.
Advise passengers on their designated location for boarding or loading.
Check and direct passengers’ baggage to the designated location for loading.
Perform check-in and check-out of passengers
Promoted to Customer Service
Wild World Expeditions
Tours and Travel Telemarketer & Client Relation Officer
2015/12~ 2017/02
Preparing and organizing ecological tours and packages for online posting
Content creation for community youth-based conservation initiatives
Social media impact analysis
Designing holidays for each season and appropriate destinations
Online baseline surveys on ecological hotels/resorts/lodges/camp quality, suitability, and charges
Establishing online working partnerships
Liaising with other green tour operators, airlines, resorts, and hoteliers in respect to holiday and travel bookings
Negotiating travel and accommodation deals with clients and other stakeholders
Online recruitment of experienced tour guides for clients.
Monitoring and Evaluation of organizational progress and customer feedback
Decision-making and consultations
Wild World Expeditions
-Product development
-Market Research
-Ensuring compliance with legal provisions
-Client relations
-Raised over $50000 in seed funding
-Destination profiling
Egerton University
2012/01~ 2015/08
Bachelor thesis: Assessing avifaunal diversity along a gradient of diverse land uses.
Attained Second class upper grade.
Course: Wildlife & Enterprise Management
Egerton University
2015/05~ 2015/05
Certificate, Environmental Impact Assessment and Audit
Project: Proposed demolition, construction and decommissioning of students hostels made of asbestos roofs, Egerton University.
Polish Green Network
2011/01~ 2011/01
Certificate in Information Technology (IT)