Crowdsourcing Workshift > Search Freelance > andrefujimori > CV
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Available to work
- Appraisal :
- Job History(F) : 6 Results
- Identified
- Japan
- Favorites : 2 Results
- Skills
- Japanese ⇔ English
- Japanese ⇔ Portuguese
- English ⇔ Portuguese
- Last Login : 2021-08-25
- Member Since : 2014-10-15
cna language school
english teacher
english teacher, responsible to teach classes in all levels since teens and basic, intermediate, pre advanced, advanced and master levels
evolute pop languages
english teacher
2013/11~ 2013/03
english teacher responsible for teaching classes in all levels since kids, teens and adults.
nitto denko japan
machine operator and english, japanese portuguese translator
2003/02~ 2007/07
4 years almost 5 years experience (2003-2007) - machine operator for the manufacture of liquid crystal displays for laptops and cell phones, translator and interpreter on languages such as english-portuguese, spanish-portuguese and japanese-portuguese in factories (acting in inside and outside meetings, language consultancy and support) such as in factories as for individual and personal matters, manufacturing and reverse logistics, storekeeper, administrative assistant, work safety assistant.
ings shinano kabushiki kaisha japan
machine operator and english, japanese portuguese translator
2007/08~ 2008/11
machine operator for the production of liquid crystal lenses for projectors and lenses for digital cameras, translator and interpreter on languages such as english-portuguese, spanish-portuguese and japanese-portuguese in factories (acting in inside and outside meetings, language consultancy and support) such as in factories as for individual and personal matters, manufacturing and reverse logistics, storekeeper, administrative assistant, work safety assistant.
peniel theology college
2012/01~ 2014/12
theology course with allows me to work on social areas such as social consultant, social leader that works with social and private works in areas such as family consultant, personal consultant, and social consultant!!