Crowdsourcing Workshift > Search Freelance > danielvk > CV
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Available to work
- Appraisal :
- Job History(F) : 0 Results
- Indonesia
- Favorites : 0 Results
- Skills
- Templete Customize(Wordpress、Movabletype etc.)
- Site Administration and Management
- Website Content
- Data Entry
- English ⇔ Indonesian
- Last Login : 2020-07-07
- Member Since : 2014-10-03
Visi 21 Comp
IT General Affair
1998/03~ 1999/05
- Administrative tasks
- Provide training for new staffs
- Customers after sales support
- LAN installation & support
- PC assembly
- Report to owner for day to day tasks progress
PT. Bitnet Komunikasindo
Web Developer
1999/05~ 2010/08
- Designed, developed/co-developed, managed/co-managed clients' websites:
* PT. Wiraswasta Gemilang Indonesia
* Bank BTN
* PT. Hitachi Construction Machinery Indonesia
* PT. Voksel Electric Tbk.
* Kementerian Negara Pembangunan Daerah Tertinggal
* PT. Medco Energi Tbk.
* PT. Pelita Air Service
- Developed web based internet payment gateway.
- Developed ASP Website Content Management System v.1, v.2, v.3.
- Designed & maintained company website.
- Designed, co-programmed & maintained IklanBaris classified ads v.2.
- Designed company logo.
BakuToys Collection
Business owner
- Manage day to day operational
* Processing orders (invoice, payment, packaging, shipping)
- Design & develop online catalog & shopping website
- Develop online & social media marketing strategies
CA-NET Web Services
1998/04~ 2010/12
- Web design & development
- Domain name & hosting reseller
- Maintain clients websites
- Provide technical support (on site and online via email)