クラウドソーシング ワークシフト > フリーランスを探す > Nagilum > 学歴・職歴
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- レビュー・口コミ執筆
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- ロゴデザイン
- イラスト作成
- キャラクター作成
- アイコン作成
- バナーデザイン
- その他ロゴ・キャラクター・イラスト・アイコン・バナー
- グラフィックデザイン
- 写真撮影・写真投稿
- 写真加工・編集
- 画像加工・編集
- 名刺・カードデザイン
- 封筒・はがきデザイン
- ちらし・パンフレット・カタログ デザイン
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- ラベルデザイン
- パッケージデザイン
- 看板デザイン
- Tシャツデザイン
- プレゼンテーションひな形デザイン
- 3Dプリンタ
- 産業向け専門デザイン
- ウェブ検索
- データ検索・収集
- 最終ログイン : 2017-09-26
- 登録日 : 2017-09-26
Balaton Shipping Company
Naval architect and marine engineer
Tasks: licensing and designing refit and repairs of ships, special floating structures and floating docks. Complete preparation of the licensing and manufacturing plans and calculations. Engineer’s supervision and coordination of manufacturing and construction. Contacting and negotiating with Hungarian and foreign sub-contractors. Complete ship design and licensing for external orders. Participation in R+D projects.
Wiking Yacht Club
Naval architect and marine engineer
2012/07~ 2013/07
Tasks: licensing and designing docks, creating production plans based on the concept plans of passenger ships, involvement in the management of ship building, renderings and graphic design.
Balaton Shipping Company
2011/07~ 2012/08
Professional training in naval architecture, creating linespan, organizing archives of ship plans.
Pécs Waterworks
2005/07~ 2005/08
Workshop training, parcticing and understanding the basics of metalworking technology (welding, turning, milling)
Budapest Universiry of Technology and Economics
Masters degree at Faculty of Transportation Engineering,
naval architecture / marine engineering major.
Thesis subject: Special container ship design for the shallow waters of river Danube.
Budapest Universiry of Technology and Economics
2009/06~ 2011/09
Participation in study trips organized by the university:
- Shipyard visits: MAHART ship repair (Budapest), Split, Trogir, Monfalcone, Venice, Pula, ELAN factory (Begunje na Gorenjskem)
- Dock of Koper
- University visits: Zagreb, Triest
- Croatian Institute of Advanced Technologies in Zagreb. (Brodarski Institut)
Janus Pannonius High School, Pécs
1999/09~ 2005/06