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Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH


2017/01~ 2017/03

To update the principal indicator of the PeruBioInnova project (PROAMBIENTE - Giz & SECOMPETITIVO - SECO) which is integrated by the public and private investment addressed to promote the innovation and competitiveness of biodiversity-based value chains (BioTrade).

International Trade Centre - ITC (UNCTAD & WTO)

National Consultant

2014/02~ 2015/12

1) Support the project management of the Trade and Environment Programme - TEP in the technical implementation of the activities in Peru.
- Organize, with PROMPERU regional office and specific departments (Sustainable Commerce, Quality and Commercial Promotion), meetings with beneficiary companies/organization of producers to validate the Annual Operative Plan 2014-2015.
- Coordination with individual contractors (service providers/consultants), field visits and monitoring the implementation of the activities in national and regional level such as technical assistance for Andean grains and fine and flavor native cocoa, organic certification, Gluten Free and HACCP/GMP standards implementation, sustainable branding, and packaging.
- Support the organization and implementation of commercial platforms and business roundtables such trade shows (Supply Side Wes 2014, Salon du Chocolat 2014-2015, Salon de Cacao y Chocolate Lima 2014-2015, Natural and Organic Products Exhibition 2016, among others), site events (Vendor Brief) and commercial missions.
- Participation and support Peruvian companies and PROMPERU (Public agency) in the international Tradeshow Supply Side West in Las Vegas – USA (2014) and report elaboration about commercial results. Support the organization of a site event in the trade show: "Sacha Inchi from the Peruvian Amazon: A stable, tasty and sustainable source of Omega 3 ALA".
- Support the coordination of local and international consultants in charge of the study related to "Quinoa prices and smallholder welfare in Puno and Cuzco, Peru" in organizing field rounds and monitoring the involved activities:
The study has been launched into international magazines such "The Guardian", "The Huffington Post" and "Vox".
- Support the elaboration of the project reports: Preparing a work plan, midterm reports and an annual report.
2) Coordinate the Budget Management
- Elaborate a proposal for implementation of TEP II that includes local organizations responsible for managing the budget (PACT Peru and Fundación para el Desarrollo Agrario) and negotiate the terms of the memorandum of understanding.
- Elaborate midterms progress reports and follow-up the budget implementation by holding regular meetings with the local organizations and ITC Geneva headquarters.
3) Support the impact assessment and evaluation of the activities in Peru.
- Follow-up with counterparts and beneficiaries to fill out evaluation questionnaires (field visits) and systematization of collected data (Trade shows participation and GRAS approval impact for sacha inchi oil sector).
4) Represent TEP program and attend national stakeholders meetings (conferences/ technical roundtables/ discussion and planning groups) on the biodiversity sector and topics related to the intersection of trade and environment (eco-efficiency, carbon footprint, sustainable value chains, etc.) with counterparts (PROMPERU, GIZ, SECO, FAO and Euroecotrade).

Cesvi Fondazione Onlus


2016/09~ 2017/01

Project: "Mitigation of deforestation on Brazil nut based concessions in the region of Madre de Dios, Peru".
- To identify alternatives to complementary activities in Brazil nuts based concessions within the framework of Biotrade principles and located in Madre de Dios region.
- To develop a cost-benefits analysis for those selected complementary activities.
- To design 04 business profiles.

Peruvian Nature S & S S. A. C

Technical Advisor

2016/01~ 2017/07

- Elaboration of two Sustainable Reports (2015 & 2016) for Peruvian Nature company based on the Sustainability Reporting Guideless G4 from the Global Reporting Initiative - GRI. (Sustainable Report 2015:
- Organization and facilitation of Social Responsibility workshops on company´s facility and suppliers of biodiversity-based products.
- Supporting in elaborating project profiles to participate in Public funds regarding sustainable use and conservation of biodiversity, and innovation.

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH


2015/12~ 2016/01

Technical support to beneficiary firms from Lima and San Martín which supply and trade sacha inchi-based products in developing an Institutional Public Private Partnership - iPPP proposals which involve Working Plans, budgets and schedules within the framework of PeruBioInnova project (PROAMBIENTE - Giz & SECOMPETITIVO - SECO).

Peru Export and Tourism Promotion Agency - PROMPERU


2016/02~ 2016/09

- Development of a work plan for the development of activities based on the beneficiary companies.
- Monitoring the implementation of the program´s activities: Quality (HACCP), sustainable (Organic), special and religious certifications (Gluten-Free, Halal, Kosher and Non-GMO), technical assistance on sustainable marketing tools (Branding and Packaging), Organic program, adaptation and mitigation of climate change, harvest and post-harvest regarding quinoa and fine cocoa located in different Peruvian regions. Field visits were made.
- Monitoring the support activities related to Cocoa and Chocolate Tasters Network.
- To support the promotion of small and medium companies with export potential through the implementation of ITC Tools: Standards Map and other quality and sustainable certification tools.
- To support the organization and implementation of national and international promotion platforms such Trade Shows (Natural & Organic Products Europe - NOPE) and Business Round Tables (Cocoa and Chocolate Saloon) to create and strengthen commercial links between local suppliers and international potential buyers.
- Data collection and impact analysis of GRAS & Novel Food Compliance regulations addressed to sacha inchi oil companies.
- Supporting ITC Geneva office to elaborate of monitoring project reports and questionnaires addressed to beneficiary companies to know the impact of the project´s activities.

Peruvian Nature S & S S. A. C


2014/05~ 2015/05

- Elaboration of a Sustainable Report 2014 for Peruvian Nature Company under followed-up by Peru2021 and based on the criteria of the Sustainability Reporting Guideless G4 from the Global Reporting Initiative – GRI.
- Participation in Peru 2021 workshops to monitor the report elaboration progress and to obtain the main fundamentals of the GRI criteria.

Olivos del Sur S.A.C.

Project Manager

2014/02~ 2014/12

- Coordination with service providers, the beneficiary company and the project Biocomercio Andino (PROMPERU & GEF-CAF-UNEP) the implementation of activities based on the Working Plan.
- Monitoring the activities implementation. To visit the cooperative CAPSIHUARMA in Rodriguez de Mendoza - Amazonas. Meetings with cooperative representatives and members.
- To represent the beneficiary company and to participate in international and local trade shows (Summer Fancy Food 2014 – New York, Expo Amazónica 2014 - Amazonas and Expoalimentaria 2014 - Lima) to make commercial links with international and local buyers. Elaboration of technical reports regarding visited trade shows and commercial results.
- To attend project coordination and technical meetings, and to participate in national stakeholder platforms regarding biodiversity based-products, value chains and R+i+D.
- To support contracted consultants and workshops regarding organizational strengthening and agroecological zonification addressed to the cooperative members (huallabambana crops) in Rodriguez de Mendoza - Amazonas.
- Follow up the budget implementation by holding regular meetings with PROMPERU and Olivos del Sur.
- To report PROMPERU and Olivos del Sur about the progress implementation of the project.
- To support the Biotrade Principles and Criteria evaluation by PROMPERU.

Peru Export and Tourism Promotion Agency - PROMPERU


2014/01~ 2014/12

Consultancy: Elaboration of a Code of Ethics and an internal/external communication plan for
Peruvian Nature S&S SAC, a beneficiary company of the project Biocomercio Andino (PROMPERU

Consultancy: Gathering of information and impact analysis of the beneficiary company, Peruvian
Nature, and elaboration of a Memorandum of Understanding.

International Trade Centre -ITC

National Consultant

2012/10~ 2013/12

Trade, Climate Change and Environment Programme - TCCEP
- Coordination of program activities (training, studies, trade fairs) with companies taking part in the ITC program and counterparts such as PROMPERU, Fundación para el Desarrollo Agrario FDA and Perubiodiverso project (GIZ&SECO) to implement the project activities (technical assistance in field, Fairtrade USA certification implementation, products innovation, commercial promotion, among others), monitoring and impact evaluation.
- Preparation of terms of reference for contractors/consultants to provide services at a national level, including training programs on cultivation and marketing of biotrade crops. Monitoring and coordination with contractors during their period of work. Revision and approval of contractor/consultants reports.
- Reporting to ITC Geneva (mid and final).
- Monitoring of project impacts (feedback surveys, sales generated at trade fairs).
- A collection of data and information for the Sacha Inchi dossier according to the elements stipulated by GRAS Regulation. Identification and selection of the Peruvian companies suitable to participate in the submission of the Sacha Inchi dossier (
- Organization and technical support in the elaboration of the ITC promotional video "Biodiversity: A way out of poverty in Peru":
- Support the organization and participation of Peruvian biodiversity based firms in international commercial platforms (Supply Side West 2012-2013 and Natural Products Expowest 2013).

Deutsche Gessellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit - GIZ


2013/01~ 2013/10

- Systematize results of the Fair Trade standards, Fair Choice and FLO, implemented in two biotrade companies within the framework of the Perubiodiverso project (Giz & SECO).
- Collect and analyze information, and field visits to production sectors and offices of the selected companies.
- Support in two events organization within the framework of the Perubiodiverso project: "Results of the applied research projects driven by Perubiodiverso project" and "Perubiodiverso project closure".

Peru Export and Tourism Promotion Agency - PROMPERU


2013/04~ 2013/09

Consultancy: Technical assistance, training and monitoring to elaborate a bio-business plan for two beneficiary companies from San Martin and Huanuco, respectively within the framework of the Biocomercio Andino project.

Consultancy: Value chain assessment under "Value Links" methodology for the 1st group of beneficiary companies (entrepreneur initiatives and pilot projects) within the framework of the Biocomercio Andino project (PROMPERU & GEF-CAF-UNEP).

Consultancy: Identification of BioTrade entrepreneurial initiatives and their needs involving natural food, cosmetic, textile, gastronomy and ecotourism sectors in Lima Peru within the framework of the second call for Biocomercio Andino project (PROMPERU & GEF-CAF-UNEP). Result: 29 identified and advised firms were accepted in Biocomercio Andino project as beneficiaries (of 39 total accepted firms).

Deutsche Gessellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit - GIZ


2012/10~ 2013/02

Perubiodiverso project:
- Technical support to the systematization process of the project agreements with beneficiary companies and producer organizations.
- Elaboration of commercial reports of beneficiary companies in coordination with PROMPERU.
- Administrative and monitoring support to contracted consultancies within the framework of the Research program about the sacha inchi oil safety for Novel Food approval.
- Project web page updating.
- Support the organization of project events and systematization.

Deutsche Gessellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit - GIZ


2011/09~ 2012/09

Internship in Perubiodiverso project within the framework of the Sustainable Rural Development Program (PDRS, in Spanish acronym)
- Support the 2nd component technical advisor in the achievement of the Perubiodiverso project goals.
- Exports evolution monitoring and analysis of the beneficiary BioTrade companies, producer organizations and prioritized value chains.
- Support to organization and systematization of project events (Expoalimentaria tradeshows 2011 - 2012, Innovation and Research BioTrade Group 2011 - 2012, "Green Economy: Rio+20", "First International Forum of Fair Trade" - Lima 2012, among others).
- Update and administration of the National BioTrade Program web page.
- Technical support to BioTrade Principles & Criteria reports from beneficiary companies.