Face Detection & Recognization
Duration to complete job20days
Desired remuneration price3,000 yen to 10,000 yen
Face Detection & Recognition is a technique that is mainly used to identify criminals based on the clues given by the eyewitnesses. Based on the clues we develop an image by using the image that we have in our database and then we compare it with the images already we have. To identify any criminals we must have a record that generally contains name, age, location, previous crime, gender, photo, etc.
The primary task at hand is, given still or video images require the identification of the one or more segmented and extracted from the scene, where upon it can be identified and matched. The word “image is defined as” an exact or analogous representation of a being or thing.” The image or monochrome image such as black and white paragraph is represented as two-dimensional light intensity function f (x, y) where x and y denotes spatial co-ordinates. A digital image is an image of f (x, y) that has been digitized both in spatial co-ordinate and brightness. The elements of such a digital array are called image elements, picture elements and pixels