Conceptual Bakery website (ベーカリー【デモ】)
IT, Apps, & Programing
Web and Mobile Production
Duration to complete job8days
Desired remuneration price50,000 yen to 100,000 yen
Overview: Designed a conceptual bakery website using Flexbox and Grid for efficient layout management. The logo was crafted using Illustrator.
Technologies Used: HTML, CSS, Flexbox, Grid, Responsive design photoshop and Illustrator
Learnings and Improvements: Acquired proficiency in using Flexbox and Grid for layout, enhancing design capabilities. It achieved a flexible and aesthetically pleasing design.
概要: FlexboxとGridを使用し、効率的なレイアウト管理を実現。ロゴはIllustratorを使用。
使用した技術: HTML、CSS、Flexbox、Grid、レスポンシブデザイン photoshop、Illustrator
学びと改善点: FlexboxとGridを使ったレイアウトに習熟し、デザイン力が向上。柔軟で美しいデザインを実現。