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  • 最終ログイン : 2019-09-01
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  • Relationship and interpersonal training
    ビジネス・営業・マーケティング 営業・マーケティング ビジネスプラン・マーケティング戦略
    CV English

    I hold a degree in Law - Faculdades Integradas Toledo (1997), Training in Clinical Hypnotherapy and Counseling by the International Association of Counselors and Therapists of Miami-USA (1998). Training in Psychoanalysis by the Center for Psychoanalytic Studies of São Paulo (2004). Specialization in Criminology from the University of Miami and International Society of Criminology (1999). Specialization in Psychopedagogy by UNORP of São José do Rio Preto-SP. (2001). Master of Science in Religion from the Presbyterian University Mackenzie (2004), Master's Degree in Clinical Hypnotherapy - International Association of Counselors and Therapists (1999), Doctor Honoris Causa - Weston Reserve University (2007). PhD in Pastoral Psychology from Theological Faculty of São Paulo (2008), PhD in Clinical Psychology - University of Hertfordshire (2009)). Post-doctorate in Psychopedagogy by INEFORP-RJ. (2013). He was Professor of Postgraduate courses at Faculdades Integradas de Paranaíba (2006-2008). Professor of the School of Education, Sciences and Arts of Don Bosco de Monte Aprazível (2006-2014), l Professor at the Campos Elíseos College, Professor of the Barriga Verde Educational Foundation (UNIBAVE), Orleans and Cocal do Sul , SC. (2014-2017). He was a Researcher at NUPEDI (Nucleus of Research and Extension in Law), of the UNIBAVE in Orleans, SC. (2001). He is currently Professor of Faculdades Integradas Urubupungá, Pereira Barreto-SP., Since 2006, in the undergraduate courses in Pedagogy and Psychology and in the Graduate in Psychopedagogy. He has experience in Education, Psychoanalysis, Psychopedagogy, Special Education, Law, Criminal Psychology (Legal and Forensic), with emphasis in Education, working mainly in the following subjects: Love, Spirituality, Education, Feelings and Changes. Tanatologist, Member of the National Tanatology Network. Psicopedagogo Member of ABPp Nº 13397. Member of the Brazilian Society of Humanistic Psychoanalysis of Santa Maria, RS since 2006.
    Member of the World Federation of Musical Therapy. Member of the Latin American Association of Juridical and Forensic Psychology, representative of Brazil in 2017. He taught courses throughout Brazil in Criminal Psychology (Legal and Forensic). Editor and Writer with 13 books published, several published scientific articles. Journalist (Columnist - Reporter) of Folha Noroeste de Jales-SP. since 2001. Journalist Registered at the Ministry of Labor and Social Security, Registration Card MTB No. 0088364 / SP.
    Member of the Brazilian Association of Journalists No. 3411. Member of the International Press Association ID No. 06872, as Journalist and International Correspondent. holds a degree in Law - Faculdades Integradas Toledo (1997), Training in Clinical Hypnotherapy and Counseling by the International Association of Counselors and Therapists of Miami-USA (1998). Training in Psychoanalysis by the Center for Psychoanalytic Studies of São Paulo (2004). Specialization in Criminology from the University of Miami and International Society of Criminology (1999). Specialization in Psychopedagogy by UNORP of São José do Rio Preto-SP. (2001). Master of Science in Religion from the Presbyterian University Mackenzie (2004), Master's Degree in Clinical Hypnotherapy - International Association of Counselors and Therapists (1999), Doctor Honoris
    Causa - Weston Reserve University (2007). PhD in Pastoral Psychology from Theological Faculty of São Paulo (2008), PhD in Clinical Psychology - University of Hertfordshire (2009). Post-doctorate in Psychopedagogy by INEFORP-RJ. (2013). He was Professor of Postgraduate courses at Faculdades Integradas de Paranaíba (2006-2008).
    Professor of the School of Education, Sciences and Arts of Don Bosco de Monte Aprazível (2006-2014), l Professor at the Campos Elíseos College, Professor of the Barriga
    Verde Educational Foundation (UNIBAVE), Orleans and Cocal do Sul , SC. (2014-2017). He was a Researcher at NUPEDI (Nucleus of Research and Extension in Law), of the UNIBAVE in Orleans, SC. (2001). He is currently Professor of Faculdades Integradas Urubupungá, Pereira Barreto-SP., Since 2006, in the undergraduate courses in Pedagogy and Psychology and in the Graduate in Psychopedagogy. He has experience in Education, Psychoanalysis, Psychopedagogy, Special Education, Law, Criminal Psychology (Legal and Forensic), with emphasis in Education, working mainly in the following subjects: Love, Spirituality, Education, Feelings and Changes. Tanatologist, Member of the National Tanatology Network. Psicopedagogo Member of ABPp Nº 13397. Member of the Brazilian Society of Humanistic Psychoanalysis of Santa Maria, RS since 2006.
    Member of the World Federation of Musical Therapy. Member of the Latin American Association of Juridical and Forensic Psychology, representative of Brazil in 2017. I taught courses throughout Brazil in Criminal Psychology (Legal and Forensic). Editor and Writer with 13 books published, several published scientific articles. Journalist (Columnist - Reporter) of Folha Noroeste de Jales-SP. since 2001. Journalist Registered at the Ministry of Labor and Social Security, Registration Card MTB No. 0088364 / SP.
    Member of the Brazilian Association of Journalists No. 3411. Member of the International Press Association ID No. 06872, as Journalist and International Correspondent.