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  • schedule Status:
    Available to work
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  • Job History(F) : 0 Results
  • India
  • Favorites : 0 Results
Email Response Handling
Customer Service & Support
Web Search
Data Entry
Writing and Posting FB Page
  • Last Login : 2019-08-21
  • Member Since : 2019-05-22
  • Write engaging emails for your email marketing campaign
    Business Service, Sales and Marketing Business Support and Questionnaire Email Response Handling
    Duration to complete job7days
    Desired remuneration price3,000 yen to 10,000 yen
    Email is one of the most popular activities on smart phones and mobile devices.

    We are taking our email with us everywhere we go! And with the internet accessible all over the world, email marketing can have a global reach.

    The truth about email marketing is it can lead to higher lead conversions, increased sales and brand awareness for your small business. In addition it is affordable, simple, personal and measurable.

    The key to successful email marketing however is writing emails that draw your audience in and grip their attention.

    With this Hourlie we can ensure your emails having the perfect subject line and engaging content.

    We can write up to 200 words for you of targeted and captivating content that will turn your cold prospects into serious potential customers.
  • Write 30 first-class posts for your real estate business
    Duration to complete job7days
    Desired remuneration price3,000 yen to 10,000 yen
    A good real estate agent requires a strong network of contacts to build up a credible image and a relationship of trust with clients. An aggressive content marketing strategy will grow your network and widen your influence allowing you to connect and market to your target client base.

    Content marketing is an incredibly effective tool for marketing and has quickly become one of the most popular and most successful strategies within a marketing campaign. If you are regularly producing high-quality, informative and valuable posts, you can be quickly seen as a company who knows their stuff.

    Why is content marketing important

    • Provide information - Content is the single most important thing on your site. It tells your prospective customers who you are, what you stand for, what your business is all about!
    • Increase traffic - Content marketing makes your website easier to find
    • Engage - Creating regular content is a great way to engage with your customers
    • Content marketing will help with growth by helping to build your customer base
    • Content marketing helps establish you as an industry thought leader