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  • 最終ログイン : 2019-06-24
  • 登録日 : 2019-05-19
  • About Us, T&C, FAQ, and Privacy Policy Copywritings for Marugame Udon Mobile App
    翻訳(語学)・ライティング・ネーミング 執筆・ライティング 文書・記事・テキスト・コラム執筆 レビュー・口コミ執筆 SEO対策の記事作成
    The trend of restaurants having their own mobile app has been on the rise, and Marugame Udon decided to join the bandwagon. The client approached my former company and asked to design a mobile app for them. As a writer, I was tasked with writing for their T&C, About Us, FAQ, and Privacy Policy app sections, including the app description on Google Play.

    Marugame Udon wanted me to write about their new way of approaching wider and younger audiences through this very app. With it, customers can book a table online and find local Marugame outlets around them. They are also benefited with a unique membership feature, in which customers can gain "Royalty Point" based on their last purchase at the outlet and accumulate it to earn special discount or promotions accordingly.

    The writing itself only took around two days. For the T&C, FAQ, and Privacy Policy sections, I took references from established culinary apps such as Zomato and local Sushi-Tei restaurant.

    As for the About Us and app description, I took inspiration from their website's About Us section. The client asked me to write two parts of the About Us section: One is the translated version of their website's About Us, and the other is an entirely original description for the mobile app, to which is then used for the app description.
  • Regular Contributor at
    翻訳(語学)・ライティング・ネーミング 執筆・ライティング ウェブサイトコンテンツ 文書・記事・テキスト・コラム執筆 ブログ執筆 SEO対策の記事作成
    I have been a regular contributor at since March 2019. As a men-focused website filled with articles circulating around lifestyle, relationship, psychology, health, and business, Good Men is created to bring a better experience and perspective regarding men's culture in this ever-changing world, and challenge the old norms of men's stereotype. Therefore, the contents are less about muscular or classy, well-dressed men, and more about cultural freedom, psychological issues, and tips & tricks regarding health, romance, business, as well as career.

    I am among the writers who love writing those particular topics. In fact, psychology, pop culture, health, self-improvement, and stereotypes are my forte. As such, I was asked by one of the website's founders to be a regular contributor for

    The articles I've written implement SEO keywords, and are around 700-words long. There are some exceptions in which I could write some 300-words articles, but I am rather fond of writing long articles, particularly the ones with the topics that I really love such as depression, self-improvement at the office, and health tips.

    But since is also a place for many other freelance contributors, there are no deadlines. Payment is monthly-based, and articles are posted on irregular rate. Regardless, the founders are still fond of this method and encourage other writers to contribute for the better prospect of the website.
  • Quaker Oats Indonesia Article Writings
    翻訳(語学)・ライティング・ネーミング 執筆・ライティング ウェブサイトコンテンツ 文書・記事・テキスト・コラム執筆 ブログ執筆 SEO対策の記事作成
    During my time working at PT Froyo Story office, Quaker Oats Indonesia, a subsidiary of Quaker Oats, asked me to write a total of 32 articles in a month for their website: The client wanted the articles to be based on lifestyle, health, and trending topics with the hint of soft-selling their oats products.

    In terms of technicality, the client only requested that each article was given a minimum of 3 credible journal/scientific references. As for the article length and SEO, they didn't specify nor demand me to implement them. Regardless, I ended up giving most of the articles SEO treatments related to the topic and wrote them at around 500 words per article. The project took 30 days, and I submitted at least 2 articles daily (could also write 3) with revisions from the client in-between the job.

    Articles that have been made were then submitted to the client, to which they sent them to the SEA Quaker Oats subsidiary for further analysis and verification. The latter process took a very long time, even after the project was received in January 2019 and completed in February 2019, only 4 of them were released. They are:
  • Bali Light Cinema Website Writings
    Bali Light Cinema is a local wedding cinematography vendor located in Bali Island. To establish their online existence, Bali Light Cinema asked me to write for their website. Their requests include writing for their Home Page and About Us sections, as well as an article for their Blog section.

    Without a doubt, the theme was wedding cinematography, including their hard-selling promotion. The Home Page writing was 300-words long, while the About Us and article ones were 500-words long. Every writing used SEO keywords such as "Bali Light Cinema," "Bali Wedding Videography," and "Videographer for my wedding," per the client's request. All of these took 3 days to finish with one-time revision from the client.
  • Article Writing and Editing for Website
    翻訳(語学)・ライティング・ネーミング 執筆・ライティング ウェブサイトコンテンツ 文書・記事・テキスト・コラム執筆 ブログ執筆 レビュー・口コミ執筆 文章校正・編集 SEO対策の記事作成
    ae6aaff945ee4b67b1bef3288bb2039e is a local culinary website, mainly aimed for quarter-life female and housewives. Here, there are articles for local and international dish recipes, as well as tips & tricks regarding culinary and kitchenware. The client from Suka Masak approached me and asked me to write 10 articles for the aforementioned topics, all while editing 20 existing articles.

    They were rather delicate when it comes to the writing specifications, in which the article must not surpass 400 words, must include SEO keywords that I searched on my own, and must utilize a more casual-friendly choice of words, fitting for local housewives. The project itself was finished in seven days with two revisions from the client.