クラウドソーシング ワークシフト > フリーランスを探す > rajeetdel > ポートフォリオ
schedule ステータス:受注可能
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- 受注実績 : 0件
- 本人確認済み
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- スキル
- ホームページ制作
- ウェブシステム開発
- ソフトウェア開発
- データベース
- 最終ログイン : 2020-04-18
- 登録日 : 2018-07-22
IT EngineerIT・アプリ・プログラミング 開発・プログラム ウェブシステム開発 ソフトウェア開発 データベース
Duration: Apr 2018- till date
Environment: Windows 10, Anaconda3 navigator, Jupyter notebook, Python 3.5,
Libraries: jupyter, pandas, matplotlib, delorean, numpy, json
A campaign in the social media world is a promotional campaign that a media agency runs on social media networks on behalf of a client. Each campaign information got from json is added to the list and analysis is performed for the number of clicks , budget allocated, money spent and the impressions which represent the number of times the particular campaign has been fetched. The result is then outputted in the dataframe. Three measurement ratios Click Through Rate, Cost Per Click, and Cost Per Impression are calculated. DataFrame is then saved in three different formats, comma-separated values (CSV), JSON, and Excel spreadsheet. Through matplotlib, data is visualized in graphs.
Project Name: Website for storing passwords
Duration: Aug 2017- Feb 2018
Environment: Windows 10, Django Web Framework(2.0.6), Java script, DbSqlite3, Python 3.5,
The application is a Django website, which provides the interface to handle records. Each record retains the information such as the username, e-mail, password, URL, and so on. It show a list of all the records, and allows the user to create, update and delete them. Passwords is encrypted before being stored in the database. Packages used are django, cryptography and nose-parameterized.
Project Name: GUI application for Web Scraping
Duration: Feb 2017- Jun 2017
Environment: Ubuntu 14.04, Tk interface, BeautifulSoup, JSON, Python 3.5
An API is developed linked to the button that has to be pressed for fetching the images that are there in the web page. This is done by creating the soup instance. If the images are there then it is listed in the list box else the status bar is updated accordingly. When the user clicks the Scrape button, the save function is called. If user wants to save the images as images then directory dialog box is opened and user can save at the location by giving the file name. And if user wants to save the images as json then directory dialog box is opened with filetype as json.
Project Name: Launch of WordPress blog
Duration: Jul 2016- Jan 2017
Environment: Windows Server2008R2 base instance on EC2, MySQL5.6 db launch on RDS AWS
The work assignment was to install a WordPress blog on AWS which is scalable. It should be HA and running in multiple zones. Uses persistent data for file storage. Uses MySql RDS(Single Zone) for DB. Setup automatic load distribution. Setup horizontal scaling to scale up at 8am everyday and scale down 6pm everyday.
Project Name: Analyzing Book - Crossing Data
Duration: Oct 2015 – Mar 2016
Environment: Ubuntu Linux on VMPlayer, Hive, Filezilla, Hadoop
The data set of book consists of user file which has user information, book information and book rating information which consists of million of records.
Here the problem statement was to find out the frequency of books published in a year, in which year maximum book was published, and how many book were published based on rating in the year 2002.
Worked for installation and configuration of Ubuntu Linux on VMPlayer, HIVE and the HDFS, transferring of files through filezilla, creating database , architect and designing tables and loading files in it, writing queries in hive.
Project Name: Data migration of equipments
Duration: Aug 2014 – Jul 2015
Environment: Oracle11i db
The project is basically the migration of equipments from TCOMS(Granite) to BGW. For this the middle staging has been made so that the data could be collected from the source(TCOMS) and after the conversion and applying the rules for the equipments, the data is then inserted or updated in the target system(BGW).
Project Name: Data Migration NextGen Projects
Duration: Feb 2013 – Jan 2014
Environment: Toad for PL/SQL , Oracle 11g
Provided on-site development support for data migration Instrumental in understanding customer requirements and analyzing UD, reference sheets, mapping sheets. Developed files for data migration while being onsite and offshore. Responsible for Preparing Technical Specs, analyzing Functional Specs, Development and maintenance and peer review of code.
Received Team Award for contributing effectively to the project.
Project Name: CIC/JIC reports from FinnOne
Duration: Apr 2010 – Feb 2013
Environment: SQL Developer for PL/SQL, Oracle 10g
Understanding and implemented business logic, analyzing the daily financial and customers detail report by communicating with the client through mail, ip-phone and video conferencing, thus ensuring smooth transition from their old system to Finnone System. Instrumental in offshore development and testing of common functions in PL/SQL.
Project Name: ACOM FinnOne
Duration: Feb 2008 – Apr 2010
Environment: Toad8.0 for PL/SQL, Oracle 9i, SOAP UI Tool for XML/XSDs, XMLPAD
Understanding and building business logic, and offshore development, testing and support to a domestic credit card system. Built common functions in PL/SQL using Oracle advanced features.
Project Name: Oracle Apps 11i (CRM) Support for Call Center Solutions
Duration: Feb 2006 – Jan 2008
Environment: D2k Forms6i, D2k Reports6i, Win9x/2000/Oracle-9i/Oracle Business Suite 11i, Unix
Offshore development, testing and support to form modules of a call center CRM software. Provided production support where client used to raise the tickets giving description of the problems. Thus providing solutions by providing the query or fixing the bug. Analysed the downtime required for the deployment of forms, reports or database objects and communicating to the client.
Project Name: Export – Import Terminal Management System
Duration: May 2005 – Feb 2006
Environment: D2K Forms6i, D2k Reports6i, Win9x/2000, TOAD7.1, Oracle 9i
The client used ETMS Software for import export handling at various terminals. Development and testing of common functions of form module using the following features – stored procedures, triggers and Developer 2000.
Project Name: E-Filing
Duration: May 2004 – Apr 2005
Environment: Java(Servlets) for server programming and HTML for front-end/Oracle 8, Weblogic server on Solaris
Lead the effort in development and testing of the common features of form module. Implemented digital signatures to verify clients. Communication of the weekly progress to the client regarding the development and testing of the various business logic to be implemented for the website ccilweb.com. Acted as a coordinator for the implementation of the payment system for the website where exporters could book their exports and pay online with the bank.
Project Name: Cargo & Container Logistics System and Radio Device Terminal
Duration: Jan 2001 – May 2004
Environment: Oracle 8, D2K Forms, D2k Reports, Win9x/2000, VC++, Pro C, TOAD
Development and testing of the common features of form module, implementing business logic. Client uses the radio device terminal for recording the movements of their containers real time which brought the use of VC++ and Pro C. Enhanced the features for various business scenarios.