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Home Page Development
Templete Customize(Wordpress、Movabletype etc.)
Javascript Development
Other Web and Mobile Development
Web System Development
Facebook and Twitter Application Development
CMS and Cart Development
Database Development and Administration
Other Development and Programing
Web Page Development
  • Last Login : 2019-08-23
  • Member Since : 2017-08-26
  • Japan Premium Store
    IT, Apps, & Programing Web and Mobile Production Home Page Development Templete Customize(Wordpress、Movabletype etc.) Web Page Development
    Duration to complete job30days
    Desired remuneration price50,000 yen to 100,000 yen
    This is another multi-lingual portal, as like as u-u-USAGI, various food-items located in HongKong. It is a multilingual site and currently it has supports on 3 languages: Japanese, English and Chinese. Stock available items can be purchased either by hand-to-hand cash or PayPal(IPN integrated).

    The backend contains the managements of users, categories, products, stocks, orders, exporting individual/all orders in excel sheet, exporting & importing category-wise products, etc . Technologies used: PHP 5(CakePHP 2.4.3), MySQL, jQuery, CSS.
  • Takeaway
    IT, Apps, & Programing Web and Mobile Production Home Page Development Javascript Development Other Web and Mobile Development Web Page Development
    Duration to complete job30days
    Desired remuneration price50,000 yen to 100,000 yen
    This is a 2-page food ordering site, optimized for mobile devices, which will be used by restaurant owners to accept and food orders. The categories are configured to show in different times; like within a date-range, week-days and hours.

    User can order associated food, like snacks, drinks, etc with the parent food, and can see their order status from the left panel. Backend does all types of managements, like categories, food, users and orders.

    Technologies used:
    - PHP 5(CodeIgniter 2.1.4)
    - MySQL
    - jQuery Mobile
    - CSS 3
    - HTML 5
  • Food Ordering Chatbot
    IT, Apps, & Programing Web and Mobile Production Home Page Development Templete Customize(Wordpress、Movabletype etc.) Javascript Development Other Web and Mobile Development Web Page Development
    Duration to complete job90days
    Desired remuneration price200,000 yen to 300,000 yen
    This is a food ordering chatbot project, main business of which to serve as a robot to collect orders of various selected food through Facebook Messenger and notify users about the order status by email.

    There is a backend, developed in MEAN (MongoDB + Express + Angular 2 + Node.js) Stack, to manage bot's greeting, food category & list with details and order information. Mongoose is use as ODM for MongoDB. The frontend is the Facebook Messenger part, built in Facebook Graph API solely. I've deployed these two parts at Heroku as two different app.

    The project is an ongoing one, which has further plans to make the bot's AI more smarted (may be with the help of API AI), as well as some backend enhancements.
  • Asian Innovation
    IT, Apps, & Programing Web and Mobile Production Home Page Development Web Page Development
    Duration to complete job60days
    Desired remuneration price100,000 yen to 200,000 yen
    This is a real estate site where registered user can post buildings, luxury apartments and other constructional households with huge number of information. Viewers can see these posts and can contact with the owners. Besides the details of each posts, each place has also being shown in the Google Map, generated based on their defined latitude and longitude. Currently, the site supports two languages: Chinese(simplified) and English.

    It has three searching options:
    1) Quick Search(keyed with some basic options like area, type, bedrooms, floor-plan and area);
    2) Advanced Search(keyed along with all other available features, like price-range, accommodations, etc.);
    3) Map Search(searching by Google Map chosen by area). Technologies used: PHP 5(Zend), MySQL, AJAX, jQuery, CSS.
  • Mondofair
    IT, Apps, & Programing Web and Mobile Production Home Page Development Web Page Development
    Duration to complete job20days
    Desired remuneration price50,000 yen to 100,000 yen
    A portal on different kinds of bags from different brands, done for my Danish client. Here my responsibilities were to make the site smooth, adding some AJAX functionalities like: paging, advanced searching, image-slider, lightbox-effect, image-resizer tool, etc.

    Used skills:
    - CodeIgniter
    - MySQL
    - jQuery
    - AJAX
  • Project Management System & Design Approval Process
    IT, Apps, & Programing Web and Mobile Production Home Page Development Other Web and Mobile Development Web Page Development
    Duration to complete job120days
    Desired remuneration price200,000 yen to 300,000 yen
    This is a project management system, where a project is created, assigned to developers/designers, and communications continue via text-messaging. The status of the projects also managed by the project managers and their tasks are updated by the developers as usual. In additional, there is a special feature, where project managers, owners and developers can share and update a screenshot/image by a simple drawing mechanism done by AJAX.

    Used skills:
    - CodeIgniter
    - MySQL
    - jQuery
    - AJAX
  • Stock Analysis
    IT, Apps, & Programing Web and Mobile Production Home Page Development Javascript Development Web Page Development
    Duration to complete job7days
    Desired remuneration price50,000 yen to 100,000 yen
    This project was accomplished for one of my Honk Kong client, to view his stocks. He can check whether his stock's status is good(in green) and low(in red). He can also checkout the stock scores in a graphical chart. All the status were implemented with the help of Yahoo Finance API(

    Used skills:
    - CakePHP
    - Yahoo! Finance API
    - HTML 5
    - CSS 3
    - AJAX
    - MySQL
  • HFKI Association
    IT, Apps, & Programing Web and Mobile Production Home Page Development Templete Customize(Wordpress、Movabletype etc.) Javascript Development Web Page Development
    Duration to complete job60days
    Desired remuneration price200,000 yen to 300,000 yen
    Client wanted to develop a Wordpress Plugin to manage events and news on one of his client's website. There would also be a image slider and rotating banners on the home.

    I accomplished all the above in several phages. I integrated jQuery Event Management Calendar plugin to manage events on the homepage.

    The project lingered for more than 6 months, as client was asking for more feature enhancements on demand.

    Used skills:
    - Wordpress plugin and theme development
    - MySQL
    - AJAX
    - jQuery
    - HTML 5
    - CSS 3
    - jQuery UI
  • SilenceApp
    IT, Apps, & Programing Web and Mobile Production Javascript Development Web Page Development
    Duration to complete job30days
    Desired remuneration price50,000 yen to 100,000 yen
    One of my regular client requested me to develop an application to let the users to view the latest news, report the news to Admin for posting later, and book a free time slot to perform video chat.

    I did the following in several phases with CakePHP, MySQL and Firebase mainly: - Design the backend with this template:

    - Admin authentication:
    -- Using the admin template to make the login function to access (email & password)
    -- "Forgot Password" feature. Used CakePHP mail function.
    -- Admin login information can be saved into a MySQL Database.

    - Firebase:
    -- Admin can manage news information with an image-uploading option on Firebase storage.
    -- Admin can manage unique time slots to book for a video chat. There are also CSV Import & Export functions to manage multiple slots at a time.

    Used skills:
    - Firebase
    - CakePHP
    - MySQL
    - Twitter Bootstrap
    - jQuery
    - RESTful API
    - HTML 5
  • TonerDaddy
    IT, Apps, & Programing Development and Programming Web System Development CMS and Cart Development Database Development and Administration
    Duration to complete job45days
    Desired remuneration price100,000 yen to 200,000 yen
    My client wanted me to develop a portal on toner and ink cartridges of various brands. In this, user will be able to order products, while browsing, and can get his/her order status with a unique track number, by admin.

    I was given a purchased template from themeforest to prepare the backendto manage products and orders. For the frontend, I was asked to follow a referenced site. In addition to browse category-wise items, I also implemented an interactive shopping cart page to manage and confirm order.

    The project was a 100% success and client is happy enough to provide him a product before the deadline.

    Used skills:
    - CakePHP
    - MySQL
    - jQuery
    - AJAX
    - Twitter Bootstrap
    - HTML 5
  • Mobilespot
    IT, Apps, & Programing Development and Programming Web System Development Database Development and Administration
    Duration to complete job60days
    Desired remuneration price100,000 yen to 200,000 yen
    This project consists of the features below:
    – CMS
    – External API integration
    – Cron-job settings.

    The system was developed, targeting the users who will be able to see the games result, players statistics, etc. in mobile devices. As a team member, I had to work in UI integration, writing code to implement the following features:
    - XML Contents
    - General/Advanced games reports
    - Cron-job settings
    - Fixing bugs
    - Modifications and extensions as clients’ requirements.
    - Used MySQL with Doctrine ORM to handle the overall business layer.

    The project was a great success in my previous office and our client at Finland was happy enough to give us another project, selecting the same team of us.

    Used skills:
    - Zend Framework
    - MySQL (used Doctrine ORM to manage the business layer)
    - AJAX
    - jQuery
    - RESTful API
  • Cooking Class Booking Plugin
    IT, Apps, & Programing Development and Programming Web System Development Database Development and Administration
    Duration to complete job20days
    Desired remuneration price50,000 yen to 100,000 yen
    My client wanted me to make a Wordpress plugin, that he can implement in an existing site to manage and look after classes on cooking on various cooking materials. I implemented both the backend and frontend of the plugin.

    In the front-end, there are the following features:
    - Registration to start booking class in available empty slot
    - Login/Logout
    - An interactive event calendar, where user can look for classes and book them in any available time-slot

    In the back-end, the features are given below:
    - Manage subscribed users and their booked slots
    - Ensure the system so that subscriber user gets all the necessary emails on their booked class
    - Manage classes and slots, which will
    - Manage Brands & Models of various cooking materials, that will be organized on the front-end's event calendar

    Skilled Used:
    - Wordpress
    - MySQL
    - jQuery
    - AJAX
    - HTML 5