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  • Research Article
    I hope you are well. Having writing experience of more than 7 years, this researcher wishes to serve my valuable clients on the platform of workshift-sol. This is a great platform for writers and many others. I am very interesting in helping people with research paper, research proposal, research article, essay and things like that. There is need to know about the different styles of reference such as APA,MLA,Chicago, Harvard etc. I am fully proficient in the usage of all these styles of references and in text citation. I will help write your essay or research article in which you want to be written.
    There are many styles of essay writing such as narrative essay (telling a story), descriptive essay (painting a picture), expository essay (just the facts) and persuasive essay (convince me). I will help provide a perfect and the most superb essay in all of these types. You can also order me if your essay is different from this niche. Your essay will be glittering like the polar star once it passes through my essay writing mill.
    I assure you that your research article will get great attraction and so as a result that will be a rewarding one in the form of getting more marks if you are a student.
    The blog writing section will be as crystal clear as the bright day light. It will bring big traffic because it will be SEO friendly. Your blog or content for the website will be conversational or in whatever form do you may need it. I will stick to the rules regulations provided by you people.
    Furthermore, I have written many research articles about medical field. Samples are available on request. I can write content for a blog or website, essays or research articles on topics related to medical field. It will be a perfect article demonstrating your topic of interest completely. Don’t pay me if you are not satisfied by my work for any reason.
    Following are the subjects in which I want to help you.
    Heart diseases
    Mental psychology
    You will be 100 percent satisfied whenever you make a deal with. I work by the principle of “honesty is the best policy”. I assure that I attend “0 percent plagiarism” for article writing. I always favor deep research during preparation of articles. Literature review is another fundamental part of research. So you people are assured that relevant literature will be reviewed to help write a good research paper. The first part of research paper named as “introduction” will be carried out according to the instruction given by the buyer. The data presentation and use of appropriate method will be undertaken with extreme care. At the end, I will help you out in a perfectly proper way so that you will be satisfied 100 percent.
    Subdivision of the subjects is given as in the following lines.
    Psychology is the study of mind. It can be roughly dived into two major areas.
    1: Research is an addition of more value in the present knowledge base.
    2: Practice, through which the human knowledge is applied to solving problems in the real world.
    Branches of psychology:
    1: Abnormal psychology
    2: Behavioral psychology
    3: Biopsychology
    4: Clinical psychology
    5: Cognitive psychology
    6: Comparative psychology
    7: Counseling psychology
    8: Cross-Cultural psychology
    9: Developmental psychology
    10: educational psychology
    11: Experimental psychology
    12: Forensic psychology
    13: Health psychology
    14: Industrial-Organizational psychology
    15: Personality psychology
    16: School psychology
    17: Social psychology
    18: Sports psychology.
    I shall provide in all of the above branches of psychology.
    Branches of Economics:
    A: Microeconomics
    B: Macroeconomics
    These fields are further divided into the following branches:
    A: Microeconomics
    1: Neo-classical (free market)
    2: Development economics
    3: Environmental economics
    4: Behavioral economics
    5: Econometrics (Maths)
    6: Labor economics
    B: Macroeconomics
    1: Classical/free market
    2: Keynesian economics (Govt’s intervention)
    3: Marxist economics (Govt: control)
    4: Austrian economics (free market)
    5: Mercantilism (protectionism)
    6: Monetarist economics (free market/control money)
    I will help provide hundred percent grammatically correct and plagiarism free articles. You can order a number of different types of articles.
    Research is all about deep investigation to unearth the truth. It is a laborious and hard work in the real world whereas it requires patience and control. Following are some of the properties of a good research paper.
    1: Rigorousness
    2: Control
    3: Accuracy
    4: Clarity
    5: Conciseness
    6: Validity
    7: Reliability
    8: Verifiability
    9: Sequential
    10: Preciseness
    11: Originality
    12: Coherence
    13: Simplicity
    14: Un biased
    15: Generalizability
    I can write proficiently on a wide range of subjects including, but not limited to:

    1. Business
    2. Technology
    3. Marketing
    4. Entertainment
    5. Current Events
    6. Politics
    7. Real Estate
    8. Health & Fitness
    I can write beyond the list provided. You can use me for writing content writing, blog posts and many essays that you need in your academic career. I will be lade to help you in your academic career.
    My special skills:
    1: Academic writing
    2: Blog writing
    3: Article writing
    4: Content writing
    5: Essay writing
    6: Able to communicate professionally
    7: Having perfect command on the English grammar
    8: Reasoning and problem solving
    9: The power of observation
    10: SEO friendly articles
    11: Adaptability
    12: Strong Research Skills
    13: Solid understanding of SEO
    14: organizational skills
    15: Ability to get focused
    16: The Ability to meet deadlines
    17: Deliver quality article
    I will ensure the following characteristics while writing an article:
    • Proofreading
    • Revising
    • Drafting
    • Spelling
    • Structure
    • Style
    • Punctuation
    • Strong Vocabulary
    • Using the Rhetorical Triangle
    • Devise Structure
    • Establish Tone
    • Forming a Thesis
    • Planning
    • Building Outlines
    Research will be the heart of my writings. Research includes:
    • Analysis
    • Reporting
    • Proper Use of Search Engines
    • Data Analysis
    • Interpreting Statistics
    • Report Writing
    • Online Searches
    • Identifying Audience
    • Content Review
    • Content Management
    My clients can use the following programs to send me files:
    • MS Word
    • Document Sharing
    • Google Docs
    • Word Press
    • Word Processing
    • Drop Box Pro
    • Printing Layout
    • Document Layout
    • Final Manuscript Production
    • Mark-ups
    • Marking Color Breaks
    • Marking Head Levels
    • Typesetting
    • Working Sketches