Remote Architectural & Engineering Consultancy (all types)
Design & Multimedia
Other Design and Multimedia
Engineering and Technical Design
Duration to complete job30days
Desired remuneration priceOver 500,000 yen
有限会社Archens Design and Consultingはタイ王国の産業建設デザイン業界を牽引する存在です。過去20年、私たちはタイ王国と、より広大なASEAN加盟地域に、数百万平方メートルもの工場を設計して参りました。鹿島建設をはじめ、住友ゴム工業、ホンダといった、世界で最も高いレベルのサービスをお求めになる企業様が、私たちの製図や建築コンサルティング業務に、絶大なるご信頼をお寄せ下さっております。
Archens Design and Consultants Co. ltd, is a leader in Thailand's Industrial Architectural design community. For the past twenty years we have designed millions of square meters of industrial buildings in Thailand, and the greater ASEAN region. We have provided drawings and architectural consultations for some of the region’s most demanding projects, names like Sumitomo Rubber, Honda, Toyota, and more. With our construction partner BMB Steel, we form a incredible Design-Build team that will bring to life your Industrial projects faster, smarter, and at the right price. All with the single point of contact, reliable, acumen that you would expect from a team of industry veterans.
We believe in taking a clean, direct, build what works best, approach to the design process. Despite our decades of experience, and scores of projects in our portfolio, we treat each new project like a fresh, blank, slate. Each a new chance to build something different, something unique, and bespoke for our client.