クラウドソーシング ワークシフト > フリーランスを探す > sndiyana
- 評価 :
- 受注実績 : 12件
- 本人確認済み
- シンガポール
- お気に入り : 1件
- スキル
- ランディングページ制作
- Javascript開発
- 調査・分析
- データ入力
- Webによる市場調査
マレー語 (母国語)
- 最終ログイン : 2024-11-20
- 登録日 : 2017-03-02
• Currently working as a Software Developer for a SME and running my own online business(
• Graduated with a Bachelor in Information System Management from Singapore Management University (SMU).
My key competencies include:
• Experience in conducting market research due to running my own business
• Experience as a Content Developer at UOB with experience to transform marketing briefs into electronic direct mail
• Experience as a digital marketing intern with experience in conducting customer research and providing ongoing support for their website
• Highly flexible and adaptable working with all types of personalities
• Strong communication and risk assessment skills
• Proficient in using HTML, CSS, PHP, Java, JavaScript, XML and MySQL