Crowdsourcing Workshift > Search Freelance > phaetzal

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Available to work
- Appraisal :
- Job History(F) : 1 Results
- Indonesia
- Favorites : 1 Results
- Skills
- Article and Text Writing
- Blog Writing
- Review Writing
- Banner Design
- 3D Modeling and CAD
- SEO - Search Engine Optimization
- Japanese ⇔ Indonesian
- English ⇔ Indonesian
- Last Login : 2015-05-22
- Member Since : 2014-02-10
Professional Experience
26. East Javanese, Indonesian.
Native: Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) and Bahasa Jawa (Javanese)
Work Passion:
-> translating, multimedia designing, sales marketing, article (travel-related) writing, and blogging.
I Can Say about Me:
-> crazy about traveling. really love to write stories about own journeys. keep them in private.
-> consistently try to solve every single problems & tasks with its simplest ways.
-> mastering enough in English, Japanese, and French.
-> currently studying German, Spanish, and Chinese.
People Talk about Me:
-> informative, talkative, innovative, big smile-r, adrenaline junkie-r, simple worker.
hope it's all true! :) *fingers-crossed *amen
"Working with our true passion is effortless and powerfully alluring"