クラウドソーシング ワークシフト > フリーランスを探す > Vannsok
評価 :
- 受注実績 : 3件
- 本人確認済み
- カンボジア
- お気に入り : 0件
- スキル
- 通訳・同行
英語 (ビジネスレベル)
日本語 (ビジネスレベル)
- 最終ログイン : 2024-01-13
- 登録日 : 2020-09-05
Hello Every one! I'm a Cambodian native speaker who has been using English in my daily life as my second language and I'm presently working as a Japanese instructor at Royal University of Phnom Penh, Cambodia. About my study background, my last degree was a master degree in Education from Tokyo University of Social Welfare, Japan. My thesis was about "languages Education and motivation". In my free time, I like researching and developing another foreign language abilities such as Chinese, Korean and Thai. Text to me without hesitate, if you want help from me. I often stay here to see and help you! Thank you!