クラウドソーシング ワークシフト > フリーランスを探す > moozicfreak
- 評価 :
- 受注実績 : 0件
- 本人確認済み
- インド
- お気に入り : 0件
- スキル
- 日本語 ⇔ 英語
- ブログ執筆
- 写真撮影・写真投稿
- アンケート・リサーチ
- その他
日本語 (ビジネスレベル)
ヒンディー語 (ネイティブ並)
- 最終ログイン : 2022-06-15
- 登録日 : 2014-12-26
I currently live in Goa as I work remotely for a Japanese company since 2017 as a mechanical engineer.
I graduated in Masters of Engineering from IPS Waseda, Waseda University in Kitakyushu, Japan in 2017.
I have just passed the advanced diploma part 2 (N2 equivalent) and business level in Japanese language from Mumbai university.
In the past, I have volunteered as an interpreter at the World cosplay summit in Nagoya and interpreted twice for a popular Japanese calligrapher over zoom.
I speak English as my first language, Japanese, Hindi, Marathi and Gujarati.
I often teach Hindi and English to Japanese people and Japanese to Indians.