クラウドソーシング ワークシフト > フリーランスを探す > brenda
My name is Brenda P. Rago, 41 years old, from Manila, Philippines. I am working as a Domestic Helper here in Hong Kong for almost 14 years now.
I have worked as a Customer Care Representative in a BPO company in the Philippines from 2012-2014.
Being in a BPO industry, made me look forward to more job opportunities, It enhanced my people skill and my literacy in the said industry, aside from teaching me to be more understanding of the client's needs and work that wants to be done. I can say that I am professionally inclined to learn more and to be a more competent person. I can work with minimal to no supervision at all, provided I am given a background of what should be done. I trust myself that I can do whatever task is given to me.