クラウドソーシング ワークシフト > フリーランスを探す > LiMingming
- 評価 :
- 受注実績 : 0件
- 中華人民共和国
- お気に入り : 0件
- スキル
- モバイル/携帯アプリ開発
- スマートフォンアプリ開発(iPhone/Android)
- ソフトウェア開発
- 最終ログイン : 2018-04-12
- 登録日 : 2017-09-05
Dear Client!.
I am a senior Mobile(iOS & Android) and Web app developer and can serve you the best work.
I had worked as a senior mobile/web developer for over 8 years and have developed many apps.
This makes me to handle your task easily and provide the best work very quickly
I always serve bug-free code and clients are satisfied with my fast and smart work finished in timeline.
I agree with your cost of this task and can do your task even in two times less.
You can see that when you hire me. I'm sure.
Looking forward to hearing form you.
Thank you.